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Planned Baby novel Chapter 65

“Come back home. The kids are waiting for you.”

I was stunned for a moment. We often believe that everything happens for a reason. But I can’t seem to figure out why all these things happened.

Why did God let me fall for someone responsible for my parents’ death? Why did God let me have children with him?

I even let myself believe that Ulie was the one for me.

“Are you okay?”

I did not notice Luna’s presence. I was so consumed by my emotion.

“I would be lying if I told you that I am okay because it’s so obvious that I am not,” I told Luna.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that. That was insensitive of me.” Luna said looking apologetic.

I shook my head. “That’s nothing. I know you mean well.”

“So what’s your decision? Are you going back to your penthouse?” Luna asked.

I nodded. “If Ulie will leave the penthouse then I need to go back home. No one will take care of the twins in our home. Also, I already miss them and I know they miss me too.”

One thing I’m grateful about is my twins’ way of thinking. They are so mature for their age. They can easily understand the situation and were able to adjust. Just like now.

I hope that when they found out that Ulie and I are over, they will also understand and respect our decision.

After a few hours, I received a text message from Ulie.

From Ulie:

I already packed my things and left the penthouse. You can go back now. I told the twins that you will pick them up at school today.

I took a half-day leave from work. I went to my parents’ mausoleum to get some of my things and to say goodbye to my parents.

After I’m done packing my few clothes I visited my parents’ tomb to properly say goodbye.

“Mom, dad I need to go back home now. Ulie already left my house. The twins need me now. I’m sorry again for all of this. I can’t help but blame myself. If only I did not fall for that guy or I never met him, you will still be here with me.”

“Mom, dad help me to get through this. Help me to move forward with my life. And help me to explain all these things to the twins. I hope and pray that they will understand the situation.”

“I hope that they can forgive me because I will not be able to do what they want. I will not marry their dad and carry his name. I will never accept the fact that I will carry the name of your murderer.”

“Mom, dad, goodbye! I’ll see you soon.”

I looked at my watch. I am just in time to pick up my kids. I saw students coming out of the school gate.

I waved at Amelia and Alistair when I saw them at the school gate.

“Mommy!” They both shouted.

When I reached them, I spread my two hands to ask for a hug. The two of them were very willing to give me my request.

“We miss you so much, mommy!” Amelia said while they are hugging me.

“I miss you both so much too!” I said then I broke the hug and kisses them.

I didn't realize how much I miss them. I was so consumed by my emotion. I will really make it up to them.

“What do you want to eat?” I asked them.

Their eyes twinkled.

“Donuts!” Says Amelia.

“Ice cream!” Says Alistair.

“Okay! Then let’s go?”

We ate lunch first before I ordered what they requested a while ago.

I was happy looking at my kids happily eating. I was just a bit worried about how I will explain to them about their father.

I wanted to prolong my confrontation with the kids that is why I ask them to go shopping with me. I bought all the toys that they want.

I know bribing is not a good way of dealing with kids. I was really scared of how they will react and if they will choose to stay with me.

“I’m sure dad will be shocked when he sees all these toys,” Alistair commented.

I just smile at him. We are heading home. My heart won’t stop beating so fast. I am nervous and scared.

When we reached home, the twins went straight to their father’s room to show all their shopping bags to their dad.

“Why dad isn’t here yet? It's almost late. He should be here by now.” Amelia commented.


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