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Power of Money novel Chapter 1364

Wei Zipei, Wang Meng, Weihuang, Yuan Zhihai, Chiron, Bai Shan... and the rest of the strongest fighters under Jason were all gathered in the control room of the cruise ship.

The thought systems, such as Sylvia, Selina, and so on, also gathered here.

After Jason pushed the door open and entered, the indicator of the central control room was turned on. Then, on the big screen, there was a map of the sea of valleys crossing the latitude lines. Dozens of red dots were slowly flashing in different sea areas. And recently, the largest red dot represented the "Destiny Goddess" which was standing on it at the moment. It was quietly parked in this quiet small port, ready to set off at any time.

"We're about 18 hours behind the dozens of ocean cruise ships sent by Ying family. According to the ocean cruise speed of the ocean cruise ship, they've left the port more than 1,000 miles away at this moment. That is to say, Ying Qingcang's 23 express ships all entered the high seas at this moment and went deep more than 600 miles away from the high seas. They're completely under the control of no one."

Sylvia explained, standing at the bottom of the big screen.

"How long will it take us to catch up?" Jason asked.

"According to the speed of our voyage in the 21th section of the Sea Wheel, it will take 10 hours to cross the East Sea and enter the Pacific Sea area. If the other party keeps moving forward without stopping, it will take one and a half days to barely catch up. But as far as I know, the few islands of the Ying family are the deepest in the Pacific Ocean, and it will take them at least seven days to arrive. As long as we keep the target not missing, we can catch up with them completely before the other party reaches the destination."

"The Ying family sent a total of 23 cruise ships. Where are the core members of the Ying family? Where are the people captured by the City of Wei? Although they are still moving forward in the same direction, how are we going to chase them once they are dispersed in the Deep- sea Domain?" Jason asked.

"The "Star" and "The "Sun" respectively."

"Almost all the members of the Ying family left the harbor after they boarded The Astral Star. As for the Wei Clan, they left the port after they boarded The Sun. The rest of the ships are used to confuse the enemy, while the rest are responsible for the transportation of goods. We just need to lock the two ships' sailing tracks tightly so that they can't escape." Sylvia said with certainty.

Jason nodded. "When can we set off?"


The mist in the morning.

"'The Goddess of Fate'" The first ray of the first light of the skyline that shot to the ground disappeared at the end of the coastline.

After ten hours of sailing, the ship crossed the East Sea and appeared in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Jason walked from the control room to the deck. As he gazed at the boundless blue sky in the distance, he took a long stretch.

"What do you think? Can the outside world get used to?"

He looked at Wei Zipei who was standing next to him with her beautiful eyes staring at the sea. He let out a sigh of relief and asked with a smile.


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