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Power of Money novel Chapter 1365

Sylvia knew very well that according to the current speed of the letter, they would catch up with the "Star" and "Sun" in less than a day.

If the two were to exchange blows, it would definitely be a life-and-death struggle.

She also fantasized that she could see with her own eyes the scene of both sides fighting and blood flowing like a river.

One side was his clansmen, while the other side was the person closest to him.

No matter how much she hated the Ying family's actions now, at the moment of life and death meeting, it would be another state of mind. She didn't know whether she could still be so calm in the future.

"Let's go rest first. Let's talk about what's going to happen later. Things might not necessarily be as smooth as we think. Let's just take it one step at a time." Jason consoled.

Sylvia nodded, got up and left the central control room.

"It's going to be difficult..."

Selina suddenly sighed with sarcasm, then put down his cell phone and looked up at the ceiling of the central monitor.

"This isn't the ancient times anymore. When we rely on cannon and embers to conquer the world, we could directly get into a semi-combat state after slightly modifying a large ocean ship. Many people would die when two ships get close to each other. And now, under the intense firepower of the opposite ship, it's so difficult for us to get on the other side's ship and destroy it..."

Jason looked at Selina and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Assault type, sniping type, grenade, and all kinds of modern most advanced equipment...

There were tens of thousands of people in both the outer star and the 'Sun', and all of them were equipped with these firepower. Without a doubt, the destructive power of these weapons was terrifying and shocking.

Even if they caught up with the other party's ship and wanted to land on it, they would have to pay an extremely painful price.

"No," Selina curled his lips and said, "Although we have not been able to carry out the next boarding task, it is totally different from now. In the past, we were at most some security guards or bodyguards. We have a small number of people and a small target, but we can still find an opportunity to break the defense of the ship from the inside. However, we have such a big ship and the target is too big. When we want to land on the other side of the ship, they have already got ready. There are ten thousand people. If one person pulls the trigger, it will also be ten thousand bullets. Have you ever seen a rainstorm? It's like this."

Jason did not speak, and he tacitly approved of Selina's statement.

However, he had his own plan. It was impossible for the people on the ship to die for nothing. This voyage would not be without purpose.


With a loud noise, the boat suddenly wobbled violently.

Selina half leaned on the chair and was absentminded. Under the violent shake, she lost her balance and fell directly to the ground.

Jason stood rooted to the spot, listening to the sound coming from the direction of the bow. He said, "Don't go out!" With a flash, he left the central control room.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Outside the door, dense and dull sounds of charging shooting could be heard.

Jason stood at the door and looked in the direction of the bow. He saw two huge steel shadows hovering in the distant sky. Tongues of flame were shooting out from the steel shadows. The dense bullets all hit the deck of the yacht, causing bursts of fire...

"Be careful!"

When Jason saw a black shadow coming from the helicopter, his pupils contracted fiercely, and he suddenly moved his body. He rushed to a soldier standing on the deck who was loading his bullet!


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