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Power of Money novel Chapter 145

Outside the cave, the heavy rain was still pouring down.

Three modified 'Super Leopard Helicopters', painted in camouflage, hovered in mid-air in the rainstorm.

18 members of the Silver Bear Special Forces were fully armed. They escorted Jason and Lusa away from the cave by a suspension rope and were slowly transported out of the Sunset Mountains.

'Super Leopard helicopters' was used for army transportation purposes, and only in such harsh weather could it be activated. With the help of the Silver Bear Special Forces could Jason and Lusa be rescued safely from the mountain.

On the plane, captain Elton Zhang briefly reported the current situation to Jason.

"For our mission, we have sent three search and rescue teams and one complete combat squadron. According to the information provided by the survivors, the combat squad has already controlled two criminal suspects within ten minutes. One was killed on the spot when he escaped, and the two victims have been safely rescued. They are now at the foot of the mountain, and you will soon see each other."

"Three suspects?"

Jason and Lusa looked at each other.

In each other's eyes, they could see unconcealable fear and palpitation.

In fact, when Abbott said that he was a reporter working at STYLING magazine, Jason roughly understood what kind of trick it was.

When he was chatting with Yennie before, Jason had asked Yennie how she had trained her keen eye for aesthetics as the styles she picked out were really good. So Yennie told him about her experience with STYLING magazine and the Newhouse family.

However, in order to confirm the specific location where Sherry was hidden, he decided to take the risk and go up to have a look.

But they didn't expect that the sudden heavy rain almost killed them.

What he didn't expect was that Meroy didn't give accurate information about those suspects, and didn't even accurately see how many people there were.

Sitting on the plane, Jason looked at Sunset Mountain, which was getting farther and farther in the storm, and he sighed.

Three 'Super Leopard helicopters' slowly appeared above the open land at the foot of the mountain in a battle formation.

Dozens of black Cadillac cars flashed and split into two rows, extending from the open ground to the national highway in order.

The red cross emergency helicopter also stopped in the middle of the open space. The field was surrounded by the medical staff from the St. De Hospital who had been on standby, as well as the Silver Bear Special Forces. At this moment, Jason could see a grand scene that he could only see in Hollywood movies.

"Uncle Dong!"

As soon as Jason got off the plane, Uncle Dong immediately came up to him with a black umbrella.

"Young Master, you are back." Uncle Dong's deep face showed rare agitation.

"Sorry Uncle Dong, you had to worry about me." Jason said apologetically.

"Hey, Young Master, what are you talking about? It's our responsibility that you landed yourself in danger. But it's good that you escaped. You have so many days ahead, let's talk about it when we get home."

As Uncle Dong spoke, the medical staff from St. De Hospital rushed over and helped Jason and Lusa to the red cross plane.

"Jason Qin!"

At this moment, a hoarse cry came from the side of 'President No. 1 's car.

Jason turned his head and saw Sherry, hair dishevelled, leaning out of the window and looking at him with a complicated expression.

"Let's go."

Jason said lightly, and a nurse closed the door. The plane slowly took off in the heavy rain and flew to St. De Hospital on the other side of the city.

The experience in the past few days undoubtedly helped Jason become braver.

He lay on the hospital bed and thought a lot.

About his life experience, his family background, his career, and his feelings...

Gradually, he understood.

The money he gave to his family was not worth mentioning at all.

As Yennie Jiang said, how could a person who had not even seen the sea, design the best cruise ship in the world?

The money that shouldn't be spent, you don't need to spend it, but the money that you have to spend, you shouldn't even scrimp on a cent.

After internalising this point, Jason had a new understanding and goal for his future life.

During this period, David and his wife tried their best to deal with Jason.


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