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Power of Money novel Chapter 486

"Hello, check for me. How much money do you have now under my name?"

During the interval when Hansen went out to take the membership card, Jason dialed his private financial assistant from Union Bank of Switzerland.

"Hello, Mr. Qin. It is verified that your account has 3.5 billion dollars and the gold bar has 29,000 kilograms. According to the highest price of today's gold, it can be converted to 600 million dollars, which is 1.5 billion dollars in total. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Half a billion yuan was equal to about 36 billion yuan.

Jason remembered that the last time he saw the news, a piece of national treasure, a chicken- faced porcelain bowl in the Qing Dynasty, was sold for one billion yuan.

No matter how hard he tried, he would be able to take possession of the 'The Classics of the Women's history', right?

"Well, help me lock your account information," Jason said.

"Okay, your account is about to be locked. Any organization, organization or person can't find any information about your account by any means. Could you please lock it now?"


"Your account information has been locked. We will charge you by paying a fee of 80 million dollars per hour. Is there anything else I can do for you?"


"Goodbye, I wish you a happy weekend."

Hanging up the phone, Jason sat by the window and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Even if he spent all 5 billion dollars in his bank card to buy the painting of the Painting of the Women's History, he believed that his family's political capital and market capital, which was about to be acquired, would be returned with a lot of returns.

Of course, if he could meet a few people he liked and buy them as gifts, he would give them to Stephanie and Emily. It would be even better.

Half an hour later.

Hansen took the membership card of the Horse Club back to the hotel. After checking, the two checked each other's identity again.

Jason was called Silas, a rich second generation from the southern province of the mainland. His family relied on money and liked horse racing. Three years ago, he was already a platinum member of the Horse Club. Half a year ago, he charged another 20 million yuan. After checking his family background and background, he became a diamond member of the Horse Club.

As for Hansen, Ahhao, Huawu, and Jason's personal bodyguards.

This time, in Gavila, in addition to the horse racing, he also planned to invest in some catering, buy a few shops, and go to Gavila for a few days before returning to the mainland.

After confirming his identity, Hansen's phone rang. After the call was connected, Hansen looked at Jason and said, "The car of the charity meeting has arrived. Let's go."

Jason nodded. The two of them went downstairs and got on the black bullet-proof Mercedes.

The top businessmen of Gavila Island were very enthusiastic about the local bosses from the mainland. Perhaps the information of Jason's business in the international trade had attracted the attention of the people of the Horse Club. Today's reception was also very high. The assistant of Vice President Dan of the Horse Club, Daniel, came to pick up Jason from the hotel. After Jason and others got in the car, the three Mercedes-Benz cars directly drove to the pre- planned destination: Beverly Hotel.

The name was not a particularly tall international hotel. People in Gavila always had their own feelings for the past. They liked to be immersed in the prosperity of Gavila in the past and did not want to wake up. They also gave this kind of feeling an elegant name: nostalgia.

Daniel was a gentle-looking young man from Gavila. He wore a pair of glasses and said to Jason fluently in mandarin, "Mr. Xia, Mr. Dan wants me to apologize to you. Since the charity meeting will entertain many guests early tonight, he didn't come to the hotel to pick you up personally. I hope that he will apologize to you personally at the evening party later..."

"Well, Mr. Zhao is too polite. Please convey my respect to him." Jason said lightly.


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