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Power of Money novel Chapter 487

"Damn, there are a lot of stars here..."

Jason reached out his hand and flipped through the list in his hand. The first person on the list was Welff, who had once been on the screen of the movie in Gavila Island and was the president of the current filming company.

The series of "Truth Path" was Jason's favorite work on Gavila Island. Although he did not pursue stars, he was still a little excited to see his former idol appear in front of him with his own eyes.

Moreover, according to the rumors on the Internet, the reason why Welff made his fortune was that he seemed to rely on the support of many forces. Among them, his father, who had settled down in the island, had made great contributions.

After all, the influence of Gavila's filmmen was not limited to the film and television industry. They also had a lot of experience in many other fields of earning money.

"It's a pity that there's no Hua Zai here. He's the only idol I've ever had since I was a


Jason flipped the list to the end. After he didn't find Jocelyn's name, he threw the list aside with some boredom and drank tea silently.

Half an hour later, Jason stayed in the private room and did not go out, not even going to the toilet. When there were still ten minutes before the charity party began, Daniel knocked on the door of the private room, followed by a dining car. In addition to some rich dishes, there was also a bottle of red wine.

"Mr. Xia, I'm really sorry. Some goods have been delayed on the sea route, so the auction may be postponed for half an hour. These dishes and red wine are some of Mr. Zhao's apologies to you. But you don't have to worry. At most half an hour, the charity party will start. I'll come back to invite you."

Daniel explained respectfully. At the same time, he turned around and asked the waiter to push the dining car into the box. After apologizing repeatedly, he turned around and left.

Jason looked at the dining car and had to admit that the people of the Horse Club were too meticulous to praise. Because the charity party was postponed, in the dinner prepared for every guest, in addition to Ao Long, thorns, this kind of ordinary seafood, Jason also saw a lot of special dishes in Southern Province, such as Xiu fish, hand-to-hand fried chicken, blast pork liver and so on...

In just one night, it was possible to prepare the most suitable reception staff and dinner according to every guest who agreed to come to participate in the charity party. It was conceivable that there must be an organization behind Dan who specifically did this kind of service for him.

"Can I get one too?"

It had only been half a day since he came to Gavila this time. Jason had gained a lot.

Jason was not very hungry, but Hansen was already very hungry. As a bodyguard, he didn't have to care about his identity and eating appearance. After making sure that Jason had enough food to eat, he got in the car and stuffed the food.

Jason continued to drink tea.

"Young Master, the delayed charity is not due to the issue of the products, but because there is trouble here." Hansen, who was filling his mouth with Ao Long meat, suddenly said with a vague tongue.

Jason put the teacup to his mouth and said with a poker face, "What's the matter?"

"And Daniel's hand. I've already noticed that there's an old layer of calluses growing on the four fingers of his right hand. It's not a hold- up gun, but a long- term mark of a submachine gun. When he got on the car, the calluses were still gray black and weathered. But when he entered the door, I found that these calluses were a little bloodshot, which proved that he had just used the gun for a long time."

Hansen also noticed the monitor in the corner of the wall. He deliberately lowered his voice and chewed things in his mouth. Only Jason, who was sitting next to him, could barely hear the vague words.

"Do you mean that someone died in the restaurant?" Jason tasted the tea and asked in a cold voice.

"It should be. A volley of submachine guns and bullets were shot out. How can there be anyone alive?" Hansen said.

"Well, you may not be able to enter the auction house later. Just keep watch outside. I'll call you if there's anything."


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