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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 123

After chatting with Orlando for a bit, I took over some of Kate's work. It wasn't a lot, but it gave me a chance to gain some experience.

I couldn't take on all of Kate's work though, because I was pregnant and I didn't want to overwork myself.

With more tasks, I became busier. In the blink of an eye, two days had passed, and Simmons told me he'd found a new place to live.

"If you don't mind, I could still pay rent and live here. It might be a bit inconvenient for you living alone now that you're pregnant, and there'd be no one to look after you." Simmons said with a look of concern before he left.

"Simmons, don't you worry about me, I can take care of myself. Besides, your new place is nearby, right? I can ask for your help if I need anything." I was touched by his concern, but I also hoped that Simmons could let me go. After all, I was pregnant, he might not want to step up and play daddy to someone else's kid.

Simmons sighed, didn't make it hard for me, and just left with his simple luggage.

I have to say, the house was more vibrant with one more person, and after Simmons left, I felt a little lost facing this suddenly empty room alone. It wasn't that I missed him so much, but my hormones were all over the place because of the pregnancy, making my emotions more intense, whether it was happiness or sadness.

I pulled myself together, took a bath, went to sleep, and carried on with life as usual.

Luckily, Neil was nowhere to be seen in the next few days. I don't know if he went back to his country or was staying at Bonnie's.

The weekend was coming up, and the expansion department sent out a survey full of recreational activities for us to choose from.

The activity with the most votes would be chosen for the department's weekend party, which was basically a team-building activity.

Surprisingly, our department head even invited Kate, who was an early member of the expansion department and got along well with everyone.

Bonnie was with Kate.

"Irene." Every time she saw me, Bonnie would politely call my name.

I was annoyed and ignored her.

"Irene, there's no need to give her the cold shoulder. She's a polite little girl." Kate defended Bonnie.

Her words made a few colleagues give me a second look. My attitude towards Bonnie was obviously off.

I didn't expect Kate and Bonnie to become so close in just a few days. Has Kate started to see Bonnie as her deceased sister?

Bonnie bit her lip, "It's okay, Kate. Irene might just be stressed from work and not in a good mood. I understand."

Her empathetic words made Kate look relieved. I don't know what she found comforting.

It was a villa party organized by the expansion department. After participating in a few games, I went to the terrace for some peace and quiet.

Like a ghost, Kate appeared behind me, "Do you dislike Bonnie that much?"

"I don't have to be bosom buddies with her." I found it absurd.

"My sister used to dislike you too." Kate brought up Karina again, "She paid the price with her life. Bonnie is a lot like her, but she's more mild-mannered. Sometimes I wonder if things would have been different if my sister had been as easygoing as her."

"I felt very relieved."

"Stop bringing it up. I told you, I had nothing to do with your sister. I didn't even know her," I sat on the chair, looking at the distant view, and said indifferently, "You should tell Bonnie that she's a substitute for your sister, so she can understand how important your sister was to Neil."


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