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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 122

Just as Neil and I were at impasse, a person appeared at the top of the stairs. It was Simmons.

Taking in the scene, Simmons quickly trotted down the stairs and landed a punch on Neil's face.

"You jerk !" He gave a shout of anger.

With fruits scattered all over the floor and my hair in disarray, anyone would've pictured an unpleasant situation.

Neil, however, didn't fight back. He crumpled to the ground, touched his bleeding lip, and then managed to get back up.

He didn't even glance at Simmons, just fixed his eyes on me and said, "He hit me for you, so I didn't hit back."

I gave a bitter laugh, "Why bother?"

"You once told me that the origin of feelings is unknown, but once they form, they run as deep as the ocean. I think I'm starting to understand," Neil's hair was a mess, covering one of his eyes, making it hard to gauge his emotions.

"What the hell are you doing?" Simmons was also furious. "Save your sweet talk for your girlfriend, will you? Be a man and own up to your choices!"

Only then did Neil look at Simmons, but his gaze was icy, "What are you doing here? Do you live with her?" He pointed at me, his eyes narrowing into a sharp glare.

"Yeah, so what? You —" Simmons started to respond.

He wanted to rattle Neil, and I knew it. We're all adults here, who doesn't understand the feeling of possessiveness?

But I cut him off, "He's just staying for a few days. If you have nothing else to do, you should leave. You must be busy with your company back home. Your time is precious, don't waste it here. Goodbye."

Then I grabbed Simmons and went straight up to the third floor and shut the door behind us.

"Rena, haven't you moved on from him?" Simmons sat down, looking a bit crestfallen.

"It's not about whether I've moved on or not. We're divorced, there's no need for this kind of conflict. Whether it's you or him who gets hurt, I can't escape the blame." I massaged my throbbing temples.

I didn't want to deal with an angry Neil. It could get ugly.

Just as I was feeling frustrated, the smell of fish hit me, making me feel nauseous. I bolted to the bathroom.

A minute later, Simmons called out from outside the door, "Rena, are you okay?"

"I... I'm fine...!" I couldn't finish my sentence. After I threw up, I managed to get up, opened the door and asked him, "Simmons, are you cooking fish?"

Simmons looked pale. He nodded, "I made fish soup. You... can't stand the smell of fish?"

I didn't say a word.

As I was washing my hands, Simmons stayed by my side. He kept his eyes on me until he finally said, "Rena, are you pregnant?"

I froze. Why did Stella have to put me in this situation? Living together is the easiest way for someone to find out about a pregnancy.

Ten minutes later, Simmons and I were sitting on the couch in silence. His brows were furrowed the whole time.

After a long while, he asked, "Have you really decided to be a single mom? Aren't you going to tell Neil?"

"I want this baby, but I don't want to get married." I sighed, "Simmons, can you help me keep this a secret, even from Stella? She's married to Mitch Hebert now, and I don't want Neil to find out about this."

"No way!" Simmons suddenly got very agitated. He quickly got up, marched to the door, flung it open and stormed out.

I was taken aback and immediately followed him.


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