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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 145

"I didn't mean to hurt Ms. Finch, everything went beyond my control, and a lot of misunderstandings happened between us..."

In the video, Bonnie's voice is weak and pitiful, seeming to apologize to me, but it's full of helplessness and despair.

I didn’t get to finish the video when a call from a strange number came in.

"Irene, I really need your help!" Mitch's panicked voice came through, "My wife saw Bonnie's video and suddenly rushed to the hospital, yelling about finding Bonnie. I couldn't stop her. Can you come over quickly to help?"

Stella naturally couldn't stand Bonnie's lies and fake acting.

But she, carrying a baby in her belly, wanted to confront Bonnie. What if they both get hurt?

I asked for the address and then rushed over as fast as I could.

When I arrived, Stella was searching for Bonnie in the hospital ward, and the doctors and nurses dared not tell her where Bonnie was.

Mitch was by her side, trying to calm her down, "Sweetheart, you need to take care of yourself, don't stress out the baby. What will I do if something happens to you? Can we just go home?"

Seeing me, he waved like he'd seen a savior, "Over here!"

I went over and grabbed Stella's wrist, "Stella, why did you come to the hospital so late?"

Stella saw me and her face showed a mix of concern and anger, "Irene, I want to teach Bonnie a lesson for you. That bullshit apology statement, it almost made me puke!"

"Alright, don't be angry, calm down, you go back with Mitch first, I'll handle Bonnie, don't worry." I held Stella's hand, glancing at her round belly, I couldn't help but think of the child I'd lost, and a wave of pain washed over me.

Stella didn’t want to go at first, but after much persuasion, she finally sat down in the hallway and irritably told Mitch, "I want to eat mangosteen!"

"Okay, I'll get it right now, just wait for me!" Mitch let out a sigh of relief and ran off to buy mangosteen.

After Mitch left, I sat with Stella as she rested, she'd been searching for a while and was a bit worn out now.

I held her hand tightly, feeling warmth in my heart. Although I'm an only child, I feel like I have several sisters with Stella, Barbara, and Alicia.

Stella sighed, "Irene, you're too naive. You should have told Neil when you were pregnant. Why should he and that Bonnie bitch have a good life?"

"I planned to be a single mom, I didn't want any complications with Neil because of a child, I just didn't expect... But I didn't know I was pregnant at first, I took some cold medicine and painkillers, the doctor gave me a shot, the baby might not be healthy since the beginning, it's prone to accidents." I gave a bitter smile.

Everyone around me knows about my miscarriage, but only Russel knows about my difficulty to conceive again, I told him not to tell anyone.

People would actually start feeling bad for me.

"Yeah, the Whitmores would definitely fight for the child, Irene, I understand your situation." Stella nodded.

At this moment, my cell phone rang, it was my mom calling. It was noisy around, so I went to the window at the end of the corridor to answer the call.

My mom asked where I was, dinner was ready, but she couldn't find me.

"I'm with Stella, mom, you can eat first." I replied.

"How did you end up at Stella's? You should have told me in advance." My mom complained, then sounded suspicious, "Is Neil not there?"


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