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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 432

"Awesome! Can I play video games at your house?" Hiram asked, excitement lighting up his face despite the fresh wound on it.

Ever since his mother, Karina, had been spending more time with Ryan and Faith, she had been stricter with Hiram, not allowing him as much gaming time as before.

So the prospect of playing games at my house was clearly a thrill for him.

I didn't answer him directly, but merely led him out of the hospital and drove him home.

Throughout the ride, Hiram chattered away with Serena and Brandon. His English was getting more fluent by the day, and for some reason, my two little ones loved listening to him talk.

Once we reached home, I quickly unloaded the stroller and placed Serena and Brandon in it, with Hiram eagerly lending a hand.

"Over there are some toys. Go and have some fun," I said, pointing to a corner of the living room where I had stashed some toys for Serena and Brandon.

Hiram shook his head. "I don't want toys, Grandma and Grandpa have bought me lots. Ms. Finch, I want to play video games, or maybe watch some cartoons!"

I had to look after three kids all by myself, and Norah was busy cooking, so I didn't have time to play games with Hiram. I turned on the TV to a cartoon he liked, then went to change Serena and Brandon's diapers.

With the cartoon playing, Hiram was quite well-behaved. He would even tease the three babies from time to time, creating a harmonious atmosphere. It was not until mealtime that I noticed a problem.

"Hiram, turn off the TV. It's time to eat," I called, scooping a small bowl of food for him.

But Hiram didn't budge, completely engrossed in the cartoon.

Norah also tried, "Hiram, come eat. Watching TV for too long is bad for your eyes!"

He ignored us both.

I finally walked up and turned the TV off.

Hiram immediately started throwing a tantrum. "I don't want to eat! I want to watch TV!"

"You need to eat! Look how thin you are! You need food to grow tall and strong!" I admonished him sternly.

"No! Mommy said I can grow tall and strong even without eating! I want to watch cartoons, turn it back on!" Hiram started crying and threw himself on the floor.

Despite his tantrum, I knew better than to give in to a child's whims. I ignored him and went to have my meal, hoping he would calm down when he realized no one was paying him any attention.

But I underestimated Hiram's stubbornness. He continued crying, scaring the other three into joining him. The living room was filled with the sound of crying, creating a chaotic atmosphere.

Norah and I rushed to soothe the trio, eventually putting them to bed in the bedroom to rest.

Left alone with Hiram in the living room, I was at a loss. He was still throwing a fit, acting as if the world would end if he didn't get his way.


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