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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 433

"Mommy, I..."

Hiram stammered under my inquisition. He had just thrown a tantrum at me, but in front of Karina, he was a different boy, his eyes filled with anxiety.

Karina looked down at Hiram. "Tell me, how did you get that bruise on your face? And how did you end up here?"

Hiram's little face turned red under the questioning, making his bruise more conspicuous. It had been treated once before, so Neil didn't give me any other medicine to apply to it.

His anxiety made him sweat, which irritated his wound and caused him to whine. "Mommy, my bruise hurts so much, wah wah..."

Upon hearing Hiram's cries, Karina's emotions became even more unstable. She glared at me, "Ms. Finch, you should be aware of Hiram's status. How dare you kidnap him and let him get injured? Do you have any idea of the consequences?"

I was speechless and out of patience. Just as I was about to retort, Ryan and Faith rushed into the yard.

I was surprised. Weren't they supposed to be in Springvale for some urgent matter?

"Oh dear, Hiram!" Faith exclaimed and rushed to hug the boy tightly.

"Grandma, Grandpa!" Upon seeing Ryan and Faith, Hiram's mood brightened.

Ryan picked up Hiram and both of them fussed over the boy's bruise, expressing their concern and regret. "How did you get hurt so badly? Does it hurt? Did you put any ointment on it?"

Hiram clung to Ryan's neck, looking pitiful.

Karina then spoke up, "Let's take Hiram home. I have no idea how he ended up here, let alone got hurt. We should take him to the hospital for a check-up."

"No need to play the blame game, Hiram fell off his skateboard and injured himself. I ran into him and Neil at the hospital. Neil informed me that you had a job interview today and he had an important meeting to attend, so he asked me to look after Hiram for a while.” I was annoyed and immediately dialed Neil's number on my phone, "Let Neil explain it to you."

But Neil wouldn't pick up the phone.

In front of Ryan and Faith, Karina was supposed to be a composed and dignified figure. However, she seemed to have figured out the importance Hiram held in Ryan and Faith's hearts and decided to use it to her advantage. "Ms. Finch, if Neil did entrust Hiram to you, then why didn't he inform me? And weren't his grandparents home? Why would he need your help? Your reasoning is simply not convincing!"

"That's Neil's problem, not mine," I retorted, finding the whole situation laughable.

"So you're implying that I'm slandering you?" Karina asked coldly.

"Isn't that the case? You can check the hospital's surveillance footage, or wait for Neil to explain. I'm really busy and don't have time for this," I pointed to the living room door, "Since you're all here, please take the child and leave. This is my home and I don't appreciate the commotion."

Ryan and Faith were slightly uncomfortable. This issue concerned the safety of their grandchild, so I assumed they would side with Karina.

However, they did not interrogate me, but opted to leave instead. But Karina was relentless. She whipped out her phone and dialed the police, "Hello, I want to report a crime; a person is suspected of child trafficking!"


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