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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 548

"Uh, I... just got back," I hesitated before deciding not to mention the events of the previous night to Neil. He had enough on his plate, and the last thing I wanted was to add more stress to him.

"Alright, I'll be waiting for you at the hospital," Neil replied. I had no idea why he was waiting for me there, but I had returned to keep Hiram company.

A nurse approached at that moment, and I ended the call.

Russel needed to stay in the hospital for a while. The nurse asked if I was a family member and suggested that I either stay to take care of him or hire a private nurse.

I looked at Russel, lying on the hospital bed, and was torn. He had saved me, and I felt obliged to stay and take care of him, but Hiram was waiting for me, and the awkwardness of staying with Russel was undeniable.

"I'll hire a nurse for him," I finally decided.

Upon hearing my decision, Russel shot me a sharp look. I guiltily turned away, pretending not to notice.

While the nurse attended to Russel, I arranged for a private nurse. About ten minutes later, the nurse arrived. I gave her a brief rundown, didn't bother saying goodbye to Russel, and left immediately.

As I drove towards downtown, my mom called to check on my whereabouts.

She had called me twice in the early morning, but I was being questioned by the police and didn't pick up. Later, I fell into a deep sleep and forgot to return her call. She must be worried.

Likewise, I was worried about her, so I didn't mention any of the dangerous situations I was in.

As I ended the call, I arrived at the hospital where Hiram was. I found my way to his room easily, where I saw Neil assembling a toy, probably a gift for Hiram.

"Ms. Finch!" Hiram cried out in surprise and delight when he saw me. Despite the energy in his voice, he seemed weaker than when I left, and his face was noticeably paler and thinner.

His arms were bound with medical tubes, preventing him from getting out of bed. He could only smile broadly at me, "You're finally back! I missed you so much!"

Hiram was always expressive and affectionate. Once he liked someone, he'd make no secret of his feelings.

I walked over and gave Hiram a hug, which he reciprocated by nuzzling my face.

Neil had just finished assembling the toy – a Transformer. Hiram loved these toys, and his favorite games also featured such characters. His eyes lit up at the sight of the toy.

Neil placed the toy on the bedside table, "Do you like it?"

"Yes, thank you, Dad!" Hiram replied straightforwardly.

"Take a nap now. Ms. Finch and I need to talk," Neil said, gently touching Hiram's forehead. It was a tender gesture, but it felt different somehow.

And where were Ryan and Faith? Had they returned to Springvale already?

Hiram obediently closed his eyes to rest. Neil glanced at me, signaling me to step outside.


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