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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 567

Under my comforting words, Alicia's tears finally began to slow, though her sobs didn't completely cease.

I was at my wit's end. Her predicament, while not identical to my own past troubles, echoed that same soul-crushing despair I had known all too well.

Back in the day, I was the pursuer, hopelessly chasing after Neil for years without any reciprocation. Before our eventual divorce, Neil hardly showed me the depth of feeling or the dramatic threats that Sean was now showing Alicia.

Sean was relentlessly pursuing Alicia, even going as far as to sabotage her relationships with others. And the kicker? Sean was already engaged, trapped in a commitment he couldn't break. What was he expecting Alicia to be, his mistress?

Given Alicia's family background and stunning looks, why should she settle for such a demeaning role? Not that she would ever agree to such a thing, but even if she did, Stella and I would drag her back from that brink.

At least I had married Neil, securing a respectable and legitimate status. What was Alicia supposed to hold on to?

"Rena, I just don't know what to do anymore," Alicia's voice was hoarse, heavy with exhaustion. "My parents are investigating Sean now because of the guy I was set up with. Once they find out everything, they're going to blame me."

This mess wasn't just a tangled web of emotions but entwined with business dealings too. Alicia's setup was with someone whose family had business ties with her parents. If things fell apart now, not only would her engagement be off, but it could also spell disaster for their companies.

Alicia had poured her heart and soul into her family's business; she didn't want to see it crumble.

"Maybe you should come clean with your parents, let them handle the explanation and the apologies," I suggested.

At this point, a sincere apology might be the only way to mitigate the damage and calm the storm.

"Yeah, I've thought about that. I'm just scared they'll be furious," Alicia shared her worries. "Rena, I came to you because I need a place to hide for a few days. Sean will definitely come looking for me. He knows Rosemont well, but he won't know I'm here."

Of course, I couldn't refuse a friend in need. I immediately agreed to let her stay and asked the housekeeper to prepare the guest room for Alicia. After sharing a meal, I encouraged her to take a shower and try to get some rest.

She looked as if she hadn't slept properly in days, her eyes shadowed with dark circles, the very image of someone tormented by love's cruel blade.

Glancing at the clock, I noted it was nearly nine. With Serena and Brandon already in bed, I too had adopted an early bedtime routine, balancing work and home life.

After a relaxing bath, I returned to my bedroom to find the housekeeper tucking the kids into bed. She mentioned my phone had rung twice, but she hadn't answered.

"Thanks, you go rest now," I said, drying my hair and picking up my phone to check the missed calls. It was from my dad.

A wave of anxiety hit me. If he discovered I wasn't at the hospital, there'd be trouble. And why was he calling so late?


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