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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 568

Could it be Russel? What time is it even?

Since the housekeeper doesn’t know Russel, I couldn’t get any information from her. So, I decided to go check it out myself.

If it really is Russel, I thought, best to avoid him tonight. Eventually, though, there’ll be a confrontation.

But I swear, had I known Neil was out there too, I would have stayed put. The night was deep, and I couldn’t fathom how they ended up here together, uninvited.

Their cars were parked right outside my house. Thankfully, the street was wide enough; otherwise, they’d have completely blocked the way.

The moment I opened the door, both of their gazes snapped to me. It felt like I was caught in a standoff.

For a second, I considered slamming the door shut, but better sense prevailed.

“You guys…” My eyes darted between Neil and Russel, trying to read their expressions.

Neil shot Russel a frosty look and said with barely concealed irritation, “You’re here for her? You go first.”

“No, you first. Then you can leave,” Russel retorted, his tone as icy.

“Ha, the thing I have to discuss with her is important. It’s going to take a while. You leave,” Neil dismissed him bluntly.

Russel scoffed, “What could be so important?”

“That’s none of your business,” Neil snapped, losing patience.

Through this entire exchange, I hadn’t managed to get a word in, just stood there listening to these two grown men bicker seriously, the tension thick in the air.

It looked like things might escalate, so I cut in, “What brings you both here? It’s getting late, and I was about to head to bed.”

“Let him speak first!” Neil’s stubborn streak was showing, his tone adamant as he pointed at Russel.

Russel seemed to rethink his stance, finally saying to me with a calmness that felt forced, “Your mom mentioned I got hurt and it’d be inconvenient for me to stay in a hotel, so she suggested I stay here tonight.”


I was beyond shocked. Had my mom lost her mind?

Compared to my surprise, Neil looked endlessly cold and displeased. In my mom’s eyes, he definitely didn’t measure up to Russel.

“You should stay at a hotel. Anything you need, just call room service,” I said immediately, refusing the idea of Russel spending the night. Having Alicia over and finding out would make her suspect there was still something between Russel and me.

I didn’t want our mutual friends or family to misunderstand anymore.

Just as I refused, Russel winced, touching his injured shoulder, his face paling, “Could I at least change my dressing here? I missed my last nurse’s appointment for a dressing change.”

Playing the sympathy card, huh?

But he knew how to pull at my heartstrings; his injury was supposedly because of me. I had already refused him a stay, but changing a dressing seemed reasonable.


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