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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 607

I was at a loss for words.

Did I just make a decision without running it by Neil? The guy's got his plate full, and here he is, doing me a solid by digging into Karina's overseas drama. I really didn't want to pile on with my family soap opera.

Besides, bringing Neil into family matters was a no-go as per the parental units.

"It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to come back early. Had no clue you'd be heading over," I said, sneaking a glance at my dad beside me. He was giving me the hawk eye, trying to guess who was on the other end of the line.

A few more words and he'd piece together it was Neil.

Before Neil could get another word in, I hung up and spun a tale for my dad, "Dad, that was Ali on the line. She's abroad too, wanted to check in on you. Didn't realize we'd beat her to it."

"Tell that dear Ali not to fret over me. Busy as she is, still got me in her thoughts. Her heart's in the right place, that's enough," Dad said, waving it off.

Truth be told, Stella and the gang were all set to be by Dad's side for his surgery, but I nixed the idea. None of us were exactly kicking back – free time was a myth.

Especially Stella. Juggling kids and dodging Mitch, who's like a bad penny.

And Alicia... couldn't shake off Sean if she tried. After leaving my place, Sean came knocking again. She just couldn't dodge him.

As for Barbara, she's expecting her second. She and Stella had this plan – two kids in three years. They could handle it.

"Got it, Dad. I'll sort the admission and pre-checks. Brace yourself," I said, then headed off to handle the paperwork.

Guilt gnawed at me, so I shot Neil a message explaining the situation.

No reply from Neil. I got caught up in the hustle and forgot about it for a bit.

After sorting everything, Mom rushed in. She barely held back tears seeing Dad, gripping his hand tightly, words failing her.

If it weren't for the company Dad left behind, she'd have dropped everything to be with him overseas. Thirty years of marriage, they'd been through thick and thin. Dad's ailment was her biggest fear.

Mom's calm over the phone was a facade. She was stretched thin.

"Don't cry, sweetheart. Seeing you like this breaks my heart. I'm alright," Dad comforted her.

"Promise me, no more smoking!" Mom scolded through tears, "You used to hate it. Look what happened because you started. Should've listened to me!"

Dad immediately caved, "Alright, alright, I was wrong. I'll stick to tea from now on, okay?"

That brought a smile to Mom's face, "You better. Or I'm tossing out your tea collection!"

That was a low blow. Dad cherished his teas like treasures.

While my parents chatted, I stepped out, planning to swing by home. It had been a while since I saw my little munchkins, Serena and Brandon.

The house staff, dedicated as ever, had everything under control. Serena and Brandon were thriving even in my absence.

Serena recognized me instantly, reaching out for a hug.

"Ms. Finch, there's something I'm not sure I should mention," a staff member hesitated.

"Go ahead," I encouraged, holding Serena.


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