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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 608

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, I breathed a sigh of relief.

The whole ordeal with Karina had already put my dad in a sour mood, and if Neil popped up now, it would be like rubbing salt in the wound.

Despite my guarded demeanor, Neil, though his face remained stoic and cold, raised no objections. "We good now?"

"Yeah, why are you at the hospital?" I asked.

"Needed to see you about something." His response was as frosty as his expression, and then he pulled out a few photos. "This Dylan guy you mentioned, is this him?"

I took the photos and examined them. The man in the images was indeed the Dylan I had encountered before, the one who had been relentlessly seeking my help to find Karina. It seemed that ever since Karina laid eyes on Dylan that one time, he had ceased all contact with me.

My gut told me that Karina had already reached out to Dylan, and whatever issue lied between them, she must have dealt with it.

I handed the photos back to Neil. "Yes, that's him. You found him?"

The background suggested he was abroad.

"Yeah, including the charity home where he used to work. Turns out, he and Karina knew each other." Neil replied, his voice barely audible over the hustle and bustle of the hospital. Our conversation was drawing curious glances from passersby, making it difficult to talk.

"Let's find somewhere quiet to talk," I suggested, realizing the gravity of the situation and its potential impact on Hiram's future.

"Sure, I haven't had a chance to eat anything yet," Neil replied.

His appearance betrayed his words; the slight stubble on his chin and the faint darkness under his eyes suggested he hadn't rested well. While I was overseas dealing with my dad's surgery, he was in another country, fulfilling a promise he made to me.

Given his efforts, refusing to grab a bite now seemed unreasonable.

We found a nearby diner and opted for a booth to ensure some privacy. I handed Neil the menu. "What do you fancy?"

"Anything's fine," he said casually.

"It's on me. Pick whatever you like," I insisted, realizing that, despite our history, Neil and I had never really had a proper meal together as a couple.

The usual small, intimate moments that couples share were foreign to us, from the time we met to our marriage and eventual divorce.

Neil glanced at the menu, then looked at me pointedly. "Don't you know my preferences by now? Or have you forgotten?"

I was momentarily taken aback.

I knew Neil's tastes very well, a subject I had dedicated years to understanding, even going as far as to learn how to cook his favorite dishes.

Not that it ever really mattered.

"People change. You decide," I deflected, refusing once more.

Neil seemed slightly irked as he made a few random selections from the menu. The air between us grew tense.

Breaking the silence, I brought up Hiram. "How's Hiram doing?"

"He's being monitored at the hospital. Should be out by the end of the month, but he'll need to stay for further observation," Neil informed me.

I nodded, hoping that after all Hiram had been through, his future would be brighter.

Our conversation soon shifted to Karina and Dylan.


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