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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 616

"I'm done with being a doctor," Russell said, his voice laced with a hint of bitterness as he restarted the car. "Need a lift back?"

"My car's still parked by the prison," I replied. "If you could drop me off there, I can drive myself home."

Russell nodded and turned the car around, driving me back to where I had parked near the prison.

I wanted to ask him if he planned to stay in Rosemont for a while, but one look into his deep, melancholic eyes made me hold back my questions.

I decided to leave the follow-up to my lawyer, as Karina's lawsuit against me was about to go to trial, and I couldn't afford to stick around in Rosemont any longer.

By the time I got home, it was already past midnight. The kids were sound asleep. I gently kissed their cheeks and then collapsed into bed, exhausted.

For some reason, I had a wildly vivid dream that night. Neil and I were holding Serena and Brandon in a park, bursting with spring life and the chatter of birdsong. Hiram followed behind with Daisy, a white dog, trotting along. It was serene and beautiful, with Serena and Brandon calling Neil "Daddy" in their little voices.

I woke up to the absence of those sweet calls of "Daddy," feeling a strange mix of sadness and confusion. Did I really wish for the kids to have a father figure, or was it just a fleeting dream?

Today was my dad's discharge day from the hospital, and my mom had decided to push through with a new cosmetic formula she believed in, despite opposition. So, she was off to sign contracts, leaving me to handle dad's discharge.

Driving to the hospital, I completed the discharge formalities and headed home with my dad. As we were about to leave, I received a call from Neil.

It turned out today was also the day Hiram was being released from the hospital, having recovered well enough to go home.

My heart lifted at the news, even though my dad seemed less thrilled, given his feelings about Neil. Still, he suggested I go see Hiram while he took a walk, eager to get back to seeing Serena and Brandon after his long hospital stay.

I couldn't persuade him otherwise, so I went alone to see Hiram.

In the month Hiram had been in the hospital, I wondered how he had coped alone, despite the care from the nurses. He looked thinner but bright-eyed when he saw me, throwing himself into my arms. "Ms. Finch, I knew you'd come! I asked Daddy to call you!"


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