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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 618

As the dust settled on the chaotic events of the past weeks, my heart began to find its rhythm again. Most of my energy was now devoted to my two little ones, and it was Stella who suggested that perhaps enrolling the kids in a preschool program might give them a head start. "Kids these days need every advantage they can get," she had mentioned, and though the idea initially took me by surprise—preschool education for toddlers not even a year old?—a bit of research convinced me she was onto something. So, I signed them up for a fancy early education program with classes three times a week, always ensuring one of us parents was there to accompany them.

Then came Stella's call, her tone laced with resignation. "I'm heading back to Rosemont," she announced.

"Back to Rosemont? Why?" I was genuinely surprised. She had fled miles to escape Mitch and, despite him finding her, I thought she'd lay low for a while longer. But Stella dropped a bombshell on me: "Mitch and I are thinking of getting back together."

I nearly dropped the cards I was playing with Serena and Brandon. "Getting back together? Are you serious?"

Stella sighed heavily. "You wouldn't believe it, but Mitch was like a dog with a bone, just wouldn't give up. He didn't manage to sway me, but he sure got to my parents. And now, with the kids growing smarter by the day, clamoring for their dad..."

I could hear the helplessness in her voice yet knew better than to argue. Stella was no pushover; if she wasn't somewhat inclined, no amount of pressure would sway her.

"If you think it's the right move," I told her, respecting her choice.

"It's just a trial for now. I’ll see how he behaves once I'm back in Rosemont. The project here's wrapping up anyway. If he shows he's truly changed, maybe I'll consider giving him another chance," she explained, trying to sound nonchalant but I could sense her inner turmoil.

Then, Stella remembered something important. "Isn't your court date with Karina tomorrow?"

"Yeah, 9:30 in the morning," I confirmed. Neil had filed a lawsuit against Karina as well, though his court date was set for three days later, likely due to some maneuvering on her part. Neil had been oddly out of touch lately, even Cooper was inquiring about his whereabouts, which was strange given Neil's usually predictable behavior.

"Odd, I can't figure out what he's up to. Didn't even inform his family, and they're all over at the hospital with Hiram," Cooper had said, puzzled.

"I assume it's work-related," I had offered, though I too was beginning to wonder, especially with Hiram recently out of surgery and Neil suing Karina amidst all the company drama.


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