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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 667

The situation was dire, and all I could do was wait helplessly for the ambulance to arrive.

Before that, I had tried reaching out to Kitty, wondering if Neil had ever experienced anything like this before, but I couldn't get through to her.

Left with no other choice, I just had to wait it out.

Luckily, the ambulance arrived quickly. Once the paramedics had Neil loaded up and we were on our way, the doctor on board started assessing him immediately while I sat by, wringing my hands anxiously.

Upon reaching the hospital, Neil was whisked away for a thorough examination. The doctor who took him in recognized him immediately; he was the same one who had been overseeing Neil's recovery process. Neil had missed his follow-up appointments and had not been keeping up with his prescribed rehabilitation, which had the doctor worried.

"It looks like he's hit his head," the doctor finally told me after a long wait. Neil didn't have any other injuries, just a nasty bump on his head, probably from trying to navigate the stairs and losing his balance.

I couldn't fathom why Neil would have been on the stairs in the first place, let alone how he ended up hitting his head.

He had a hematoma in his brain and was still unconscious. The doctor mentioned that after more treatment and once he woke up, they would have to monitor his condition to see if there were any lasting effects.

Once Neil was settled in a room, the doctor asked how I was related to him. "I'm his ex-wife," I responded.

"In that case, you should inform his family, like his parents," the doctor advised.

I nodded. I would have reached out to Ryan and Faith regardless, given the gravity of the situation.

After the doctor left, I immediately called Faith. It had been a while since we last spoke, mainly because I knew she wouldn't tell me where Neil was or how he was doing.

Faith used to be keen on Neil and me getting back together, but that must have changed after whatever Neil told her.

Hearing my voice, Faith sounded surprised, "Irene?"

"Faith, Neil's had an accident. You and Ryan should come down to Eldoria as soon as you can," I said, skipping the pleasantries.

Her tone instantly filled with urgency, "What happened?"

I briefly explained Neil's fall down the stairs. Faith, not one to dawdle, assured me she and Ryan would come right away.

After hanging up, I began to worry about the wedding planned for tomorrow. With Neil in the hospital, I questioned the necessity of going through with it.

Many guests were arriving tonight or tomorrow morning. If I canceled now, it would save them a trip.


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