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The Alpha's Toy novel Chapter 2


Meeting The King


I slid my hair backwards as I let the water from the shower rinse me, the feeling of my past came back rushing towards me. It was that girl, she brought everything back. After seeing her in the woods that day I have been remembered of my childhood, the terror and trauma I once heard, she was human and humans weren't welcomed into the wolves villa not to talk of school!! Does she not know the true nature of this place? Everyone in this damn city are fucking werewolves. "King get the hell out of there!" Cole's desperate voice echoed as James and Roman kept on laughing. "Shut up fucker!" I rolled my eyes and walked towards them in only a boxer " what did you do with Kathy?" I asked nonchantly. " I just thought her some lessons" Cole smiled while roman and James kept on staring at their phones. "Hey pricks are we going for a run or what?" James spoke up tiredly, "besides I got the scent of a human back at school today". "Me too, I thought it was just a fake human alert like what Aiden Storm did last year" Roman added. "It's the new girl". I spoke up and all of them stared up at me in startled expressions. "Now that's creepy, how the fuck couldn't I perceive it earlier!?" . James banged his forehead. "How would you when the smell of the last girl you fucked this morning was still hovering your scent?". Cole chuckled. "We have to make her leave, weak humans like her do not belong here". I smiled and so did the rest of the guys. Little Miss Emerald just got herself a whole school of enemies.


"I missed you guys so freaking much!". I smile as I hugged my parents tightly. "We are so sorry honey, we came back as soon as we could". Mom squeezed me and drop a peck on my cheeks. "It's fine, everything is going pretty well ". I lied. Nothing was going well at school, Draven's last words kept on playing in my head 'I will destroy you' plus the way Kathy ran away with Cole running after her, since then haven't heard anything from her. The whole school was creepy, hell this entire city is creepy, all I wanted to do right now was finish up my last year in peace and go to Oxford. That has always been my plan, well from the look of it things we are about to go for a change. "Are you coping well with your studies ?" Mum asked taking a slice of the toasted bread in front of her. "Yeah, I think I made a new friend today ". I smiled although I still had no idea what Cole did to her. A slight guilt filled me up, I regretted not asking for her number or an address at least I just prayed she was safe.

.......... The next day ........

Hours had passed and I still could not find Kathy, I came to school early today but she wasn't here. I refuse to be weak! I wasn't going to be, I am not going to show those idiotic boy how weak they thought I was. I walked through the door lifting up my chin elegantly, after a few minutes everyone had a beep on their phones. I ignored mine around anyway. "She is such a slut" some student passing by my side give me disgusted looks.

" What the Fuck!"

"Teachers slut!"

" Wanna take in my cock tonight baby?"

Some students were passing comments on me. I couldn't understand what was going on. Everyone kept on staring at their phones and back at me, some signed while some snarled, I quickly picked out my phone and checked the message, it was a video. I was the one in the video, I was in a class bending to pick a pen and Mr Olga's dick was in my mouth. My heart skipped a beat. It was a photoshop! I just bent to pick up a pen, how the heck would they photoshop me with Mr Olga? "Slut!" a girl passing gave me a disgusted look, my entire world was spinning over me. I ran into the bedroom and kept on washing my hands in the running water, whenever something bad happened I always feel like there is an invisible dirt on my palms. I kept on washing it till I could feel blood threatening to come out. "Gezz Emerald what da..!" Kathy appeared from a corner of the restroom and she dragged my hands out of the water restraining me from hurting myself even more. "Where the heck have you been? What happened to you ?" I asked trying to hold back the tears threatening to flow out. I stared at her surprised and angry. "I'm sorry, I couldn't face you after running away yesterday " she bowed her head sorrowfully. " It's fine Kate" I call out holding her shoulder. "You did it in your defence, but what the heck happened?" "I would rather not talk about it"she hissed. "By the way ,I saw the video, you didn't do it, did you?" I raise an eyebrow. "Kathy!!" I glared at her. "What? It felt so real", she flew her arms in the sky before staring back at me. "It must have been Draven and his crew" I spilled out. "Obviously he photoshopped it, but it's still felt so real". "I will never give in to his games"


Cole, Roman, James and I sat at the back end of the cafeteria as it is said to be the best table of the elites. "How is our little Miss Emerald reacting to the morning prank so far?" Roman asked taking a bite in his plate of chips. "I overheard people calling her all sort of names, that should weaken a mere human, as it is said that females are weak" James chuckled. "Hmm guys, I think she's handling it pretty well" Cole started upright in amusement as we all turned to see what he meant. Emerald was holding a guy by his collar and warning him never to call her teacher's slut. "Again, she seemed to handle the situation pretty well" Cole sighed. "Not for long" I smirked. "What do you have in mind?" The guys asked staring up at me.


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