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The Alpha's Toy novel Chapter 3

*Episode 3*

*The Doom World*-

(2 Weeks Later)

*Emerald's POV*

There is one notable thing about with this damn school, the others respect themselves when there are teachers around, but the bullies work hand in hand with the teachers. The wealthy and the royal students are scarier than normal criminals, they all have enough money to influence and bribe those around them. It's been two weeks since Draven and his crew had announced that he was going to destroy me, although we haven't been very close before but then in K.B.A, anything the king said, the humble servant must accomplish it. I was bullied every single second and I couldn't even complain about it. Kathy and I have been trying to avoid these four idiots since last week but our entire plan shattered as we walked into the physics class, all the hairs on my neck stood on high alert when we spotted them. Draven, Cole James and Roman, they were all here in our class. James was throwing a ball at Roman who exclaimed as as he caught it while Cole is engraved in a book that he was studying. My gaze wandered to the main devil, the hell ruler, the king of evil. Draven just sat near the other three crossing his legs and interlaces his fingers accross his stomach making him appear like a king as his last name implies. Happilly, I haven't seen him for the past two weeks, about him appeared to be black. His black soul, black heart, black mind. I immediately regretted not listening to Kathy the first day she said Draven King and his crew were not to be messed with. Cole's eyes drifts toward us, Katty to be specific more like he was studying her, he motioned for Draven and his eyes met mine! he had a muderous energy even without my eyes meeting his. "We need to go" I whispered to Kate trying not to tie gazes with the devil. "Come on" Katty slid me away as we walked faster in our tracks. "I have something against Draven, it will surely bring him down" I stopped in my tracks and face her smiling.

"What?" she gazed at me with suspicions. " I have a video of him drowning the art teacher and threatening him, I'm going to use it against him" I smiled for a second but my expression changed as we heard footsteps heading closely to us. I swear if the demons can spell from someone's eyes, they would be crowding this place, I stared at Draven and Cole's black eyes, with angry aggravated eyes. Cole strolled near as Katty releases me running outside the hall, Cole followed her. I attempted to run after them but in a split-second Dravens hand drew my arms harshy, I wondered if he was flash as I stared at the place he once stood. Draven hates me, I can imagine him playing my death in the back of his mind. Why? I don't know and I never asked, if I had any rule book, my number one would be never try to understand bullies. "What was that for?" his voice was calm and demanding, if I didn't know Draven any better I would find it welcoming. "I don't know what you mean" I lifted my chin even though the hand clutching my phone trembled. He extended his palms in front of me "give it!" he commanded.

I tried to escape through the same way Kathy and Cole had gone but he lurges me backwards and stepped in front of me covering my space. He was so close that I couldn't to get fresh air, did I mention that Draven was stupidly broad, tall and big? I took shivering steps backwards and he came forward until my back hit the wall and I groaned in pain. When I tried to sneak over him, he hit the wall by the side of my head and imprisoned me just like in day one. "Give it Emerald" he extended his hands again. Fear cornered me and Katty's voice played in my head "we should give it". If it was the old me I would have let him have his way with the phone and waved bye to my only piece of remaining evidence to destroy Draven King, but not now!, I won't be afraid of him. I held my arms over my chest "No!" I yelled. "Who the hell do you think you are Emerald?" He narrowed his eyes. "I'm just a girl who wants to be left in peace" I replied. "humans are not supposed to know peace" he smiled and I glared at him "what a sick lunatic, you're out of your mind". "Give me the phone, I won't be repeating myself another time" he warned. "No" I mimicked his tune, "I won't be repeating myself another time".

He next action surprised me as his fingers wrapped around my wrist that was clutching the phone, my tummy twisted in a painful strange way, the last time I was held by Draven was on my first day in K.B.S when his hands where around my throat, his touch was still as rough as it was before. He reached my phone but I threw it into my chest with hope that it was safe there, what the fuck was I expecting thinking that Draven had boundaries. We struggled as he tried to take it, I losed my ribbon and tucked it in my bra, I rejoiced in happiness and give him a smirk. Dravens smokey eyes lit up with something unexplainable "you had to screw it up". He rolled his eyes. "What?" I asked. "You really believe that will stop me, don't you?" Draven drives straight to my chest and undoes my first button, my lips part in shock as I stood like a rock without reacting, he goes for the second button and I pushed his chest. "W.. what are you doing ?" I stammered, he stops , tilting his head with a manly expression. "Are you going to give me the phone?" "N... no" I replied as he continued unbuttoning my shirt, my breathing stopped and I started longing for air, push him but his arms are strong and impenetrable. "S-stop!!" I screamed. My hand was shaking, there was a strange rush of blood flowing through my veins and tightening in my muscles, I couldn't explain it but all I knew was that Draven needs to get his fucking hands off me.

I pushing him again but he had already gone down to the three buttons and the age of my bra was visible. I shrunk as I also realized that what else was a visible scar on my chest. Throughout my life, I had tried my best to hide the scar, I didn't even like showing it to my parents. Kathy even saw it but it was an accident and now the asshole in front of me was staring at it. He stops unbuttoning my shirt but didn't remove his fingers from the fourth button, in fact he had undoed it so the shirt is open to underneath part of my bra and he has a clear view of the diagonal scar at the top of my left breast, it was ugly and long faded. I kept it hidden in order to stop getting pitiful looks people gave me, including mum and dad. Though, Draven's eyes didn't show any sign of pity.I didn't expect such emotions to exist in his black soul, good to know I was wrong, his eyes were muderous before but now he seems like he wishes he had a knife to slice my scar open and rip my heart out. Out of anger, I pushed him out and turned around to start buttoning my shirt again, I could feel his heat behind me before Cole walked in. "King " Cole's cool voice sounded behind me "you've got yourself a mate?"

When l my shirt was properly buttoned with the phone still inside my bra, I turned around in search for Kathy but there is no sign of her. "She recorded me, I guess she's planning to use that against me" Draven blurted out, his voice still calm, how the heck did he figure it out? Cole ended up laughing. "You think because you are royalty every other person can go to hell? You won't get the damn phone from me " I glared at them both and crossed my arms above my chest defensively. "The phone is in her bra" Draven announced.

"You want me to get it or will you?" He tossed at Cole. "I don't know " He places a finger on his chin "let's toss a coin" "How about you hold her for me?" Dravens gaze moved to my breast. I tightened my arms over my breast. Cole didn't say a word, he yanks both my arms behind my back and locks both my wrists in one hand, my chest pushes forward for Draven's dark metal demon eyes. I tried to struggle my way out but it was impossible to move, let alone fight as Cole tightened his grip on me. "What the fuck do you think you're doing??" I glared at them both with fear. Draven's gaze met mine, there is so much hate cruelty and evil in his eyes, he didn't break eye contact with me as he ripped off the ribbon from around my throat. I gasped as my clothes falls to the ground "I will scream" I threatened. "We love screams" Cole smirked, "scream Emerald". Draven smiled, I think I'm going to be sick, how could I not think of that option when I put myself into this kind ofsituation? I should have known better than to threaten Draven and Cole, besides even if they got into trouble, their parents influence will obviously get them out of it, these were the way of bullies. I swallow my pride and quit trying to escaped, Draven stared down at me, I wasn't sure what his gesture meant.. anger? Annoyance? or something completely different? Draven stepped closer so his chest almost grazed mine. "You are a proud little thing Emerald" I stared at him speechlessly, i thought this was about the phone "You don't give a fuck about anyone, always walking around here with your head somewhere above or beyond like no one deserves your time" his voice is still calm and demanding

"so Emerald .." He voice trailed off again picking up a dtrand of my milky coloured hair, I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. "Tell me Emerald, what pushes your buttons? What are you afraid of? He raised an eyebrow. "You!" I screamed in my head, raising my eyes and meeting his, he squeezed my jaws between his thumb and forefinger." Tell me" he urged. I stood on my right to remain silent. A quick anger gesture flashed in my eyes. "Last chance before I find the answer myself" I glared at him, "yeah good luck with pulling the answer out of my head you fucker". He quickly lunged for me and before I can do anything, he ripped my shirt open, my buttons flew everywhere like pebbles. Unshed tears filled my eyes and I realized this whole shit was a bad idea. I wasn't fit for this game, I am an idiot and idiots lose before the game even starts. "F...fine!, I'll give you the phone!!" I said swallowing my tears and stupid pride. The smirk on Dravens face sealed my already doomed fate. "Oh no.., that was before when you had your chance but now I've changed my mind.


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