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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 11

Amy balked. “Okay, first of all, I’m sixteen and a half.” Felix scoffed at her words but she continued. “But you’re right I guess. It was traumatizing seeing her like that and knowing that I couldn’t do anything to help her until the ambulance arrived. I’ll be fine though.” She said with a shrug. Just then, her stomach rumbled. “And hungry, I will apparently also be hungry.” She declared with a humorless laugh. The fact that she hadn’t had breakfast yet was starting to show.

Felix's mind was immediately filled with memories of Rose popping her head through his door to ask if he had eaten that day and how her brows would always furrow in a frown whenever he confessed that he hadn’t. Then she would force him to eat something even if it was just a stale bagel and lukewarm coffee. “Not on my watch.” He declared as he pulled up himself from the chair. “Come on. I’ll buy you something to eat.”

“But what if she wakes up?” Amy asked, stealing a glance at the sleeping figure of her mum.

“Then she’ll press that little button over there and one of the nurses will come and attend to her.” He declared. “And besides, we’re not going to be gone for that long. It’s just breakfast.”

Amy wanted to protest but her stomach growled again. She raised her hands in surrender. “Fine. Thank you for the offer.”

The two of them made their way out of the room, through the hallway, and down the elevator. As they walked past the waiting room, Felix made eye contact with the receptionist who was anxiously nibbling on her nails, a rather unsanitary habit for someone that worked in the medical line.

“Mr. Callahan.” She cried out once she saw him

“Don’t bother me,” Felix growled. “I’ve already told you. You wasted my time. My word is final.”

Amy waited until they were out of the hospital before asking her question. “What was that about?” She asked as she struggled to keep up with Felix’s brisk pace.

“Nothing.” Felix gritted his teeth as he unlocked his car.

Another growl from Amy’s stomach made her get into the car without asking for any more explanations.

Once Amy entered the car and slipped on her seat belt, Felix started to punch in the coordinates for the Golden Pearl, a swanky new restaurant across town that had opened about a year ago. He had held various business meetings there and knew that their smoked truffle chicken was absolutely to die for.

“What are you doing?” Amy asked as she glanced at the car’s navigation system.

“Putting in the address for the Golden Pearl.” He answered without looking at her. The fact that he had been there numerous times didn’t mean that he knew the way there. He had always gotten to the restaurant by helicopter.

“I can see that.” Amy scoffed. “I’m not going to the Golden Pearl. That place is fancy as fuck and there’s no way I’m going there dressed in my pajamas. I look like a drowned rat.”

Felix scoffed back at her. Interacting with Amy was starting to seem like what he imagined having a tiresome younger teenage sister would seem like. “Fine then.” He said, throwing his hands up in defeat. “Where should we go for breakfast?”

Amy shrugged and began typing on her phone. “Let me Google places real quick.” She offered as her finger flew over her phone’s keyboard with rapid speed. “Okay. There’s some café called the Bean House and it’s supposed to be good.” She replied as she began to fiddle with his car’s navigation system.

“How good?” Felix asked apprehensively. If the place where half as good as the internet said it was, how had he not heard of it?

“It has four and a half stars, so I guess it would be pretty good,” Amy replied. “And it says on their website that the special for the week is apple cinnamon waffle with oat milk latte which is a relief because my lactose intolerant ass can’t handle regular milk.” She explained as she held up her screen for him to see the café’s website.

Felix pulled his eyes off the road for a couple of seconds to observe the upheld phone. Felix pressed his lips into a thin displeased line. The Golden Pearl was a seven-star restaurant. The cottage-looking café in the picture before him didn’t even look like it was worth half a star. He genuinely hoped that he wouldn’t completely regret patronizing them.


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