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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 13

All throughout the ride back to Tech Town, Felix was unable to get rid of the warm feelings that were stirring at the pit of his stomach. At first, he had no idea why something as simple as a crudely drawn smiley face on a mediocre stack of pancakes had made both him and Amy smile. It had taken him a couple of minutes to remember that Rose liked to draw smiley faces on sticky notes and leave them for him to find when she sensed that he was in a bad mood. Considering the kind of person he was and the kind of life he lived, he had gotten a ton of sticky notes with smiley faces over the years. At Amy’s insistence – not that she had to as he was going to do so anyways – he had left a huge tip for the waitress.

The elevator doors pinged open on the top floor. Felix spared a glance at his watch. It was already past afternoon. As per his mother’s early instructions, that would mean that he would have to spend almost four extra hours at work. His sleep schedule would probably be messed up for the entire week and he knew he was going to be more irritable than usual if he worked that much overtime. But he didn’t regret his decision about going to see Rose in the hospital. He didn’t even regret his decision to have breakfast with Amy – as tiresome as she was. The only thing he regretted was not being able to stand up to his mother. He wished he could tell his mother to fuck off and stop controlling his life but Bethany Hart wasn’t the type of person to take too kindly to being told to fuck off.

“Sir. Sir. Mr. Callahan.” A vaguely familiar feminine voice huffed.

Felix turned around to see a dark-haired woman struggling to walk towards him in her blood-red stilettos. Her fake tan made her look like a walking carrot. She wore a white frilly button down which had its buttons spaced too widely apart so that even with the distance between them, Felix had a glimpse of her lace-clad tits beneath them. Her purple leather skirt was tight and short. Even though Felix was her boss, he didn’t know exactly what role she played in his company but for someone who worked a professional job, she had way too much makeup on her face. Even before she got close to him, Felix could tell that she also had way too much perfume on her. She struggled to walk in it. It almost seemed like she was waddling instead of working. Overall, her outfit was testing the limit of the company’s dress code.

“What?” He asked.

Once she got close enough, she struggled to steady herself on her heels, resting her left hand on the wall beside her. “We spoke on the phone earlier this morning. I’m the one who informed you of Rose’s heart attack.” She said as she offered her hand to him. She batted her false eyelashes at him and curled her blood-red up in a seductive smile. “My name is Emerald Johnson. I work as the receptionist downstairs.”

Felix glared at her hand, then glared back at her face. That was all it took for her to realize that he had no intention of making bodily contact with her.

She withdrew her hand and used it to pat down her hair with a nervous laugh. “Your mother said I was to inform her the moment you got to work.”

Felix sighed. He wasn’t even the least bit surprised. “Typical.” He grunted. “Give me about an hour to prepare for her.”

Emerald balked. “Mr. Callahan, I’ve already informed her of your presence. I rang her up the moment I saw you walk through the door.”

Felix felt his blood simmer. That would have never happened with Rose around. Rose knew to give him time to prepare for any encounter with his mother. No one should be forced to face Bethany Hart without any form of prior preparation. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “Fine. I’ll be in my office. Ring me up when she gets here.”

“She’s waiting for you in Luther Hart’s office. She said that you should hurry there quickly. I assume that she wants to have a word with you.”

If there had been any object present in the long hallway, Felix would have flung it against the wall. But the hall was empty so he had no choice but to grit his teeth and walk past Emerald to his stepfather’s office. Another thing that Rose had always done was inform him of his mother’s mood whenever she came to visit. A polite Bethany meant that his mother had come by to try to convince him to make a particularly large purchase for him. A happy Bethany meant that his mother had come up with some odd scheme and was trying to get him in on it. An angry Bethany meant that there was hell to pay. Even though no one was available to inform him of his mother’s mood when she had walked in, he could already guess that she would have been angry, judging from her tone on the call that morning.

When he got to Luther’s door, he put his hand in a fist and made a knock. He stopped when he heard the distinct sound of moaning coming from the other side.


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