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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 16

The moment Cassie stepped through the automatic doors, she was greeted by a blast of cool air from the air conditioner and the smell of new furniture. The cool air was being circulated around the reception area by a powerful air conditioner she couldn’t see and the smell of new furniture was coming from a large new desk being assembled by a trio of hefty-looking men with shirts too small to contain their hulking muscle masses.

It had been a long time since Cassie assembled a table or any other piece of furniture for that matter but she doubted that many people were needed for that kind of job. A lanky man who wasn’t dressed like the other three men held up an instruction manual in confusion. Unlike the other three who were dressed in rust-colored polo shirts and khakis, the lanky man was dressed professionally in a freshly pressed black suit. He was probably the company’s receptionist who had so kindly offered to help the three men with the job of assembling the new desk. To Cassie, he looked like an adorable himbo but without all the muscle.

Cassie cleared her throat and the adorable himbo man looked up. The other three men were too engrossed and exasperated by the pieces of furniture to pay her any attention.

“Oh hello there.” The man apologized as he sidestepped a cluster of bolts and nuts to get closer to her. “Sorry about the mess over here but it’s these guys' first day on the job and it would seem that none of us have any idea how to assemble an office desk. It also doesn’t help that the stupid instructions are written in actual Latin. How the hell am I supposed to understand any of the shit I’m looking at?!” He sighed then ran his hand over his face. “Sorry. I’m rambling. I’m Daniel Henderson. Welcome to Tech Town.” The man explained as he sidestepped a cluster of bolts and nuts scattered on the floor to extend his hand to her.

Cassie winced at the vice-like grip he held her hand in. For someone who looked more skin and bones than muscle, he had a surprisingly strong grip. When he finally let go, Cassie was sure that every single bone in her hand was fractured. “I’m Cassie Peters. Would you like me to help with this thing you guys have going on? I can’t read Latin and it has been a while since I last put together something but five heads are better than four and I’m like an hour early for the interview so I’d be happy to lend a hand.”

Daniel shook his head. “Thank you for the offer but we’ll figure it out eventually. You mentioned that you were here for an interview right? Are you here for the position of personal assistant or accountant?”

“Personal assistant.” Cassie clarified. She hugged the manila folder closer to her chest. It contained all the documents that she would need for the interview, including medical records and her resume. As much as she hated to admit it, Sharon the Southern belle from Hair Glam performed absolute magic in putting together an exceptional-looking resume in a short amount of time and she had done it all for free.

Cassie had thought that Sharon had made her seem too magnificent in the essay and Isabel had smacked her over the head with a rolled-up magazine when she had said her mind. Consequently, she had shut up about the whole thing until Sharon was done typing up the resume.

Daniel smiled at her. “Okay then, let’s get you sorted out right away.” He cooed as he bent down to retrieve a laptop from the ground. Then because there were currently no tables present in the reception for him to place the laptop on, he placed the device into her hands and began to type furiously. “I see. According to this, your interview is supposed to be held on the fifteenth floor. So take the elevator over there to the fifteenth floor and once you get there, just keep walking down until you see a waiting area. Ordinarily, there would have been other people waiting there but you’re the first one present for the personal assistant so feel free to sit anywhere.”

“Thank you,” Cassie said. “Maybe you guys should try running the instructions through a language translating website. There are tons of those online at the moment. They are not usually a hundred percent accurate but I’m sure it would be a lot better than having no idea what to do.”

“Good luck,” Daniel said with an award-winning smile.

Cassie muttered a thank you to him as she walked towards the elevator. She was going to need all the luck she could get. On the ride up to the fifteenth floor in the elevator, she had to endure the tortuous elevator music. She kept fidgeting with her hair and outfit in the semi-reflective walls of the elevator all the way to the thirteenth floor. Once the doors slid open, she was all too glad to step out and leave the audio torture behind.

Just like Daniel had said, the waiting area was empty save for a large bowl of assorted chocolates. A colorful sign beside the bowl instructed that everyone was allowed one bar of chocolate. Cassie took the biggest piece she could find from the bowl and stuffed it in her bags intending to present them to her siblings once she got back home. She sat on one of the chairs and played games on her phone as the waiting room slowly began to fill up.

The moment it was eight, a balding man popped his head through a door and glanced at his clipboard. Everyone in the room sat up a little bit straighter. “Cassie Peters?”

Cassie raised her hand in response then dropped it when she realized that the man was still squinting at his clipboard instead of looking up at the people waiting in the room. She stood up and smoothed down her skirt.


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