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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 19

Already used to dealing with children whom she frequently had to remind to say please and thank you, Cassie found it hard to physically bite down on her tongue to prevent herself from demanding a thank you from her new boss for fetching him his morning coffee. Technically, he was in no way required to thank her for bringing him coffee but Cassie believed that people should still use their magic words no matter the situation. And if she remembered correctly, he also didn’t thank her when she had brought his coffee and apple cinnamon waffles. But he had left her a huge tip which more than made up for his lack of manners.

He turned back to look at her. “Are you just going to stand there?” He asked with an annoyed grunt. He didn’t wait for a reply and continued to stalk further into his office giving Cassie no other choice but to follow him.

He took a seat on a chair behind a large desk. If Cassie thought that what little part of the office she had seen was lavishly decorated, she was in no way prepared for how elegant the inner parts of it looked. She let out a low whistle which Felix either didn’t hear or heard and decided not to comment on. With the little she knew of him, it was more plausible that he didn’t hear the whistle. He seemed like the kind of person to comment on anything that displeased him. Numerous pieces of what appeared to be priceless paintings and sculptures decorated the walls and corners. Cassie had thought the potted plants were plastic due to how perfect the leaves looked but when his arm brushed against one of the leaves in passing she concluded that they weren’t plastic. The plants were as real as she was. A large flat-screen television occupied most of one side of a wall. Cassie could only imagine what watching a movie on that sort of screen would feel like. Currently, a muted ad for Tech Town was playing on it. Cassie couldn’t help but think about Daniel when she thought about ads. She waited for Felix to ask her to take a seat but he didn’t so she was forced to remain standing.

Felix observed his new personal assistant over the rim of his coffee mug. She was no Rose Arthur but she also wasn’t Emerald Johnson and for that fact, he was severely grateful. Emerald had been nothing but a pain in the ass. She was forgetful and slow and worse of all, she kept shoving her plastic tits in his face in an attempt to seduce him. Felix had half a mind to fire her but Luther had expressed interest in hiring her to be his own PA when Felix got a new person so he had been forced to endure Emerald’s shenanigans knowing fully well that if he had fired her, he would have never heard the end of it.

He had more than an inkling that the only reason Luther was interested in getting Emerald as his personal assistant was that he found the skimpily dressed tart attractive and was probably planning on fucking her over his office table. He knew that his stepfather frequently cheated on his mother. Heck, he even knew that his mother frequently cheated on his stepfather! He often wondered how the two of them were still together if they were constantly unfaithful in their sorry excuse for a marriage.

Felix would never make the mistake of sleeping with someone like Emerald. It wasn’t because she was his subordinate in his company but because of her attitude in general. Emerald seemed like the kind of person that would try to use the fact that she was sleeping with someone in a position of power to become even more of a bitch than he already was. He had seen how she treated the woman that came to take out the trash in his office. There was a clear difference between knowing how to keep one's staff in line as he did and stepping all over them like they were less human-like Emerald did. She would probably be a worse version of herself if he started anything akin to a relationship with her. He also hated associating with Emerald because she reminded him too much of his mother. The two of them might not have shared many physical characteristics apart from both having store-bought boobs but they had too many behavioral similarities.

His new secretary, Cassie, was sensibly dressed. She wasn’t as covered up as Rose usually was but she didn’t show as much skin as Emerald either. Like him, she appeared to be in her early twenties. She had a small cherub-like face and was blessed with high cheekbones to go with it. Her eyes looked like two brilliant sapphires staring back at him. Her makeup was stylish yet light which was a good thing as she would sometimes be running around the office on errands. Felix had seen how absolutely terrifying Emerald looked when she sweated through the heavy makeup after she had come back from an errand. The air conditioners could only do so much to keep the makeup on her face. A more sensible person might have chosen to apply lighter makeup but Emerald had ‘solved’ her problem by locking herself up in the bathroom for more than an hour in an attempt to fix her face. Unlike Emerald, Cassie also wore sensible shoes which would allow her to move around freely. He still wondered how Emerald managed to walk in those ridiculously high shoes

“Just like every other staff member that starts work here, you are currently on a two-week probationary period. After this time you will have to go to HR to get your permanent staff ID card and key card. Until then, you would be given a temporary one. I expect you to be on time every day with a cup of coffee just like this one ready.” He said tapping the rim of his mug with a pen. “When I send you on an errand, I expect you to do it quickly and thoroughly. I will not tolerate having my time wasted. Is that understood?”

Cassie nodded.

Felix narrowed his eyes on her. “When I address you, I expect you to respond verbally so that I can confirm that you heard me.”

Cassie wanted to tell him that he had seen her nod and that was all the confirmation he needed but she decided against it. It was probably not a good idea for her to get into a confrontation with her boss on her first day. “Yes, Mr. Callahan.”

“You are to inform me of my schedule for the day and take my calls. Be prepared to tell a lot of people that I’m not in the office even when I am. I don’t know how she got my number but if someone named Sapphire contact or calls this office, inform her that I was not joking about those harassment charges.” He genuinely had no idea how Sapphire from Fantasies had gotten a hold of both his home and work numbers. Luckily, it would seem that she hadn’t been able to get her hands on his personal number but all the same, she still tormented him with calls at work and at home. He didn’t know if she was calling to apologize for overstaying her welcome or to demand that he give her a better rating on the website as he always hung up once he heard her voice on the other end of the line. He didn’t know what she wanted and he didn’t particularly care. He just wished that she would stop calling him.

“Understood, Mr. Callahan.”

Satisfied, Felix nodded. “Your first task of the day would be to organize those folders by serial number and then put them neatly into the appropriate filing cabinets.” He said as he waved his hand towards his left. “Most of the papers don’t belong in this office and were brought here from various departments. So you’re going to have to take them back. I expect you to be done with that as soon as possible. You have a lot of work to do today.” The astonishingly large pile of paper in the corner was the handiwork of Emerald. He had asked her for a folder and the harebrained woman had forgotten the location of the specific one that he asked for and had turned his office upside down in her search. He was really glad that he would no longer have to work with her.

Cassie turned to see where he was pointing at and her eyes nearly fell out of their sockets as she took in the mountain of papers that had to sort through. There was no way she could sort through that pile in this lifetime. Still, quitting never did anybody any good. Then there was the fact that she desperately needed the money from this job; bills didn’t pay themselves. She braced herself and turned to Felix with a polite smile. “I’ll get right to it, Mr. Callahan.”


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