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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 2

Sighing, Felix peeled off his navy suit jacket and tossed it on the couch. He didn’t bother about picking it up. That was the maid’s job, not his. He took in all the details of his apartment. The walls dividing his apartment from the outside world were made out of glass, letting him see the world around him but preventing anyone outside from knowing what was going on inside his apartment. Most of the furniture in the living room was in various shades of gray, from the plush leather couches to the throw pillows on top of them. Even the coffee table in the middle of the room was a shade of gray so dark, it almost appeared to be black. The room was devoid of personal pictures. Instead, the only things framed were artworks that he had purchased and had been gifted over the years. A huge flat-screen television was mounted on one of the opaque wooden walls. Briefly, he considered watching a quick movie or checking whether the game was on but he knew himself and knew that he won’t have just stopped with one movie.

The meeting with the foreign investors had gone on until two in the morning. And even after then, he still had to sort out some more issues at work before he had been able to leave the office about an hour later. Even though his apartment was relatively close to his office building, he hadn’t driven home immediately. He had first walked Rose to the bus stop as he did regularly. As usual, she had declined his offer to drive her home, settling instead with letting him walk her to the bus stop, insisting that the doctor said the exercise was good for her.

The time on his diamond-encrusted Rolex told him that it was already three thirty. That gave him four hours to sleep and then get ready for work. He groaned and roamed his hand through his jet-black hair then sighed when he realized that he was in need of a haircut. A look in the hexagon mirror confirmed his theory, his hair had grown longer than he usually let in. Personally, he thought he looked good with his hair that long – it made him look like a knight of old but he knew that his mother would take one look at him and then begin a lengthy admonishment on how it made him look utterly unprofessional.

Loosening his tie, he made his way to his room expecting to take a quick shower, change into his comfortable silk pajamas and then fall asleep under the relaxing atmosphere of the weighted blanket he had gotten himself for Christmas. He however was not expecting to see a woman lying down on his bed. She was scrolling nonchalantly through her phone and her perfectly toned legs swinging in the air made her look like someone straight out from a cringe 80s teen chick-lit sitcom.

“Who the hell are you and what the fuck are you doing in my bed?” He growled once he laid eyes on her.

The woman jumped off his bed with a startled squeak. Her phone fell to the floor with a sickening thud. She cringed when she heard the sound but didn’t take her eyes off him. “Mr. Callahan sir.” She stuttered. “My name is Sapphire and I’m here from Fantasies.”

The muscles in Felix’s body visibly relaxed. Fantasies was an elite at-home prostitute service. Their website allowed patrons to pick any girl with whatever body specifications, kinks, accents, accessories, or outfits the men desired. Fantasies ensured that all of their girls were devoid of STDs and had contraceptives so that men who wanted to enjoy the pleasure of sex without the pressure of condoms could be free to do so.

He had been using the services for a while usually contacting them whenever he had grown bored of fucking his own hand. The deal was simple. He would arrange for the type of girl he wanted for the night, providing her with temporary access codes to his apartment. The girl would wait for him on his bed in a sultry position (he had once gotten home to meet a girl with her legs spread wide open) until he got home. Once he arrived, he would fuck the girl senselessly and then fall asleep next to her naked body. By the morning she would be gone and all traces of their wild night would have disappeared. After a couple of days, he would repeat the cycle.

Over the years, he had run through a variety of their girls. Black, white, Asian, tall, short, curvy, petite, redheads, brunettes. Almost anything and everything apart from blondes. He couldn’t bring himself to ever fuck a blonde again.

The moment he laid eyes on the girl, he should have known that she was from Fantasies. Her ivory skin was marked only by the tattoos she had. Brown eyes the same shade as her hair was lined with immaculately winged eyeliners. She was dressed in a maid’s outfit but it was completely unlike the one his actual maid wore. The black gown was made of expensive material and adorned with about twenty golden buttons from the top to the waistline. The neckline was almost non-existent as it was dangerously low and her enormous tits were threatening to spill out of them at any minute. The sides of the gown on her waist have been cut out and replaced with a near-transparent but equally expensive black lace material. It helped to accentuate her excellent figure. Stopping dangerously just below her ass, the skirt part of the dress had two more layers of white lace underneath it, giving the skirt a full look. The white apron began as just straps from her shoulders and continued as a white cotton skirt from her waist down. And if that wasn't bad enough, the outfit even came with accessories. White thigh-high stockings knee climbed up from her impossibly tall golden stilettos. Her crimson freshly painted nails could be seen from the black lace material of her gloves.


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