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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 30

“We have to talk Miss Peters.” Felix declared closing the door behind him.

Cassie couldn’t help but raise a curious brow at him. She didn’t know whether him calling her ‘Miss Peters’ instead of ‘Cassie’ as he had done that morning was a good thing or not. Or maybe it was just an extension of how he acted whenever Rose was around versus how he acted toward everyone else.

“How did Sapphire get into my office?” He asked.

“Through the door,” Cassie answered before she could stop herself. She didn’t even feel bad about being sarcastic. It was probably the aftermath of being held hostage – if she could even call it that – twice in less than a month and being conked in the head with a wooden sculpture.

Felix frowned lightly at her. Ah, that was the man she knew and disliked; all broody and shit. “I know that. I already told you what to do if she contacted this office.”

“I remember.” Cassie nodded. “But if you also remember, you told me what to do if she contacted this and not what to do if she stormed in here and locked the door behind her. All things being considered, I handled this the very best way I could. Minus of course getting hit in the head which was in no way my fault.” She declared, fixing Felix with a glare that was equally professional, disapproving, and accusatory.

“Are you saying that all that happened was my fault?” Felix asked.

Cassie paused at that. This was her chance to say no and redeem herself. To put the blame on Annalisa for letting Sapphire slip through her fingers at the reception or on Marcus and his team members for letting her into the building in the first place. But she wasn’t about to pin the blame on people who didn’t deserve it. She didn’t have the full story but from what she gathered, the blame was all on Felix. “With all due respect sir, yes. This is your fault.” She said with a shrug.

Felix glared at her so hard that she was sure he was going to fire her. She was more than surprised when his glare was replaced by his indifferent look. “I asked you to look for a phone number for me while I was away.” He stated.

“It’s on your table.” She said. She had no idea why Felix had asked for the phone number of reputable dog shelters in the area but she wasn’t about to ask him as it was none of business.

Felix gave her a curt nod and sulked towards his office table. No matter how angry he was at the situation, there was nothing he could do for Cassie. She was right. Even though he had was all his fault that Sapphire had made her way into his life – as he was the one that hired her – he still had no idea how she had gotten his house phone number. If he fired Cassie for being mouthy, he would have to deal with Emerald and her attempts at seduction until he got a replacement.

He decided not to think about Sapphire and all the chaos she had caused. Gossip would have probably started spreading around the building about the half-naked woman being carted out of his office; there was little he could do about that. He decided to focus on the work he had been doing throughout the week. He might have let his PA and everyone else believe that he had been flying back and forth between Washington and Atlanta for a series of business meetings but that wasn’t what he had been doing.

He was in Washington because of his mother. Bethany had taken a series of flights to various states for an impromptu vacation. In Hawaii, she had spent an entire day in a spa. In New York, she had cleared the entire store of their racks of clothes. In Vegas, she had lost a huge chunk of her money in the casino. In Washington, she had been driving under the influence and had knocked down a college student. The boy hadn’t died, but he had sustained multiple injuries including a comminuted fracture on his right leg. In typical Bethany Hart fashion, she had fled the country once she realized that she was in trouble leaving Felix to deal with her mess.

Understandably, the boy’s family had been intent on taking the matter to court but Felix had managed to talk them out of it and agreed to pay for the boy’s medical and physiotherapy bills. Then, he visited the owners of the various casinos his mother owed money to try to settle her debt. All the while, his mother had never called him to offer an apology or a word of thanks and she probably never would.

He sank deeper into his chair. He really wished Rose was his mother.


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