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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 57

With Cassie absent as per his instructions, Felix was once again left with the option of having Emerald work as his temporary PA. With how absolutely infuriating Emerald was, he had already begun to consider just employing a standby PA for days when Cassie was unavailable. Cassie had only been gone for a day but he had barely gotten through Monday with his sanity intact and arriving at work on Tuesday morning to a thoroughly trashed office space did nothing for his mood.

Unlike Cassie, Emerald didn’t get to work on time. The fact that Emerald arrived at work late meant that he saw less of her and honestly, the less of Emerald, the better. But it also meant that he had to perform his own tasks and hers. He wasn’t so spoiled that he couldn’t get his own cup of coffee by himself or print out an email on his own but it was majorly convenient for him to have someone around to do these things on his behalf.

Unlike Cassie, Emerald’s memory had more holes than Swiss cheese. Felix had lost count of how many times he had sent her on an errand and she had come back to him claiming to have forgotten what the errand was. It happened too many times before he finally asked her to start writing down the errands on a notebook. And when she lost the notebook, he asked her to write the tasks down on the palm of her hand.

Unlike Cassie, Emerald didn’t use her initiative when performing tasks and had to be talked through every process, even simple ones such as putting paper in a printer. He reckoned that there weren’t many brain cells in her head. Felix almost started to wonder how Luther coped with her idiocy but then he remembered that Emerald and Luther were fucking and to Luther, sex more than made up for gross incompetence.

He sat at his desk, willing himself to focus on his work and not on the state of disarray of his office. On Monday evening, he had attended a meeting with Tech Town’s accounting team and when he got back to his office, he almost had an aneurysm when he came back to a flustered Emerald and four other men. His first assumption was that she had organized an orgy in his office until he realized that everyone in his office had all of their clothes on. His office at that moment appeared to have been turned over. He imagined that it resembled what a house might look like after a thorough but unsuccessful drug raid.

“What the fuck is going one here?” He had asked in a deceptively calm voice.

Emerald had then launched into a lengthy but ridiculous explanation on how she and her friends had been involved in a prank war and one of them had thought it wise to leave a mouse in a Tupperware container riddled with holes in her handbag. When Emerald had discovered said mouse, she had dropped her bag to the ground in panic and it had scurried out of its containment and into Felix’s office. After trying and failing to catch the mouse by herself, she had eventually hired the other four guys off Craigslist to help her. She had even managed to shed a few tears during her confession. If she hoped that her tears might touch his heart, she was largely mistaken as he could tell they were fake and only done to elicit pity that she did not deserve. The tears would randomly stop and start at various points during her explanation and she tried to maintain a seductive expression as she cried and spoke. Cassie’s tears on the other hand had been so real that he had felt in the very depths of his heart just how sad she had been.

When Emerald had finished with her confession, Felix had begun to massage his temples. “And where is this mouse now?”

One of the men present pointed at the Tupperware container in the corner that held the captured mouse. Felix nodded. “The door is that way.” He said and then went to his desk.

Even without looking, he had just known that Emerald had wanted to say something but at the last minute had decided against it and had left his office with the other three men. Felix had then immersed himself in his work until he was ready to go home.

He was once again immersed in his work when he felt a presence hovering above him. He looked up from his laptop to find Cassie staring down at him, a steaming cup of black coffee extended towards him. He wasn’t particularly close to her, but boy, was he glad to see her. As usual, she wore her brown hair in a perfect bun. She wore her hair in buns so often that Felix had only seen the true length of her hair when she had been splayed out on the office’s carpet and even then, her hair had been in a ponytail. She wasn’t wearing a long sleeve top so he could see that the bruise he knew that had formed on her hand from Luther’s hard grasp had disappeared. Her presence at work meant that he no longer had to deal with Emerald’s foolishness but it also meant that Cassie was away from her daughter.

“How’s Lily doing?” He asked, as he reached out to grab the cup of coffee, accidentally brushing her hand in the process. “When I said that you should take as much time as you needed from work, I meant that.”


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