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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 7

Felix Callahan woke up to an incessant ringing sound. He felt around for his digital alarm clock that was placed on his bedside table. He was seconds away from hitting the snooze button and going back to bed for just a few minutes when he visualized his mother’s disapproving face looking and calling him lazy. Groaning, he got up from his bed and surveyed the room. There was no evidence of his and Sapphire’s encounter the previous night. The torn items of clothing – both the thong and the dress – were gone. He couldn’t help but wonder how she had made it home when her clothes were in shreds. The phone that had fallen out of Sapphire’s hand after he had startled her was no longer where it lay the previous night. Sapphire herself was nowhere to be found even on the other side of the bed where she lay. The only evidence of her presence the previous night was the faint lingering scent of her perfume. At least she had been a good fuck. She would be getting a five-star review.

Sighing, he got up and started to walk towards his en suite bathroom. He turned on the shower and slipped under the nearly scalding hot water, pretending that it was washing all his problems away. If only it were that easy. After he was done in the shower, he slipped out and grabbed his electric toothbrush. He began to hum in tune with the brush.

When he slipped back into the room after brushing, it was still a bit dark outside. He ran his hands through his slightly damp hair and began to dress for the day, choosing an azure pinstripe suit, baby blue, and button-down shirt. He slapped on his diamond-encrusted Rolex, eyeing the blood-red tie in the corner as he fastened his wristwatch. Personally, he thought that ties should be optional and that when they were worn, they shouldn’t be pulled so tightly that it cut off oxygen to the brain. His mother, however, completely disagreed.

“You should always have on a tie, Felix.” She would say in that disapproving tone of hers. “You are part of the upper class so dress like it. It’s the only way people will take you seriously. That is except of course you are okay with looking like all those disgusting poor people.”

He grabbed the tie and began to knot it around his neck. It was pathetically funny how he was a grown man who is the owner of the company but still had to answer to every one of his mother’s ridiculous whims and rules.

Still working on his tie, he made his way out of his room, stopping abruptly when he smelt the distinct scent of pancakes wafting through the air. In a brief second of confusion, he panicked. Someone had broken into his house! He only calmed down when he realized that no one with malicious intent would sneak into his house to make pancakes in the kitchen by seven in the morning. Still, he braced himself. Not even his mother had access to his house (he went to great lengths to make sure of that). So who was making pancakes in his kitchen?

He marched into the kitchen, blood boiling over when he saw Sapphire humming in front of the frying pan as she flipped a pancake. To her left, a steadily growing pile of pancakes had already begun to form. To her right, a large bowl of pancake batter sat on the counter. Felix recognized the black shirt she was wearing as one of his. The audacity!

“What the fuck do you think you are doing?!” He snarled, causing her to almost drop the pancake mid-flip.

Sapphire beamed up at him. “I’m making pancakes for breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day you know.”

“You’re not supposed to be here!” He ordered, nostrils flaring.

“But I didn’t think it would be a problem.”

He cut her off with a hard glare. “That’s the problem you stupid bitch. You didn’t think at all. Your contract said you should be gone by morning. Get the fuck out before I throw you out.” He instructed as he pointed toward the door.

With the pancake cooking away in the pan, Sapphire scurried out of the room in nothing but a large black shirt. Felix took calming breaths until he heard the door close behind her. Then his anger lashed out. He flung the bowl of raw pancake batter toward the wall where the batter stained the wall with light yellow coloration and the aluminum bowl clattered to the ground with a loud thump. A wide wrathful swipe of his hand sent the tower of pancake Sapphire had spent all morning tumbling to the floor. The hotness of the frying pan and the pancake slowly burning in it didn’t stop him from grabbing the frying pan by the handle and throwing it across the room. He continued in his fit of unrighteous rage until his phone started to ring from across the room.

Stomping over the broken plates and pancake bits, he grabbed his phone and picked up without checking who was calling. “What?!” He growled into the phone.

He heard the other person on the line audibly gulp. “Mr. Callahan sir?” A timid feminine voice asked.

“Yes? What do you want?”


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