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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 9

Felix was hyper-aware of how many traffic rules he had broken as he sped along the streets of Atlanta in a desperate effort to get to Saint John’s Hospital in record time. When he had inputted the address in his car’s navigation system, it had informed him that the drive to Saint John’s Hospital would take almost an hour. Determined to make it there ahead of the estimated time of arrival, Felix had run four red lights, ignored multiple stop signs, driven over multiple pedestrian crossings, and disregarded the speed limit.

Somewhere at the back of his mind, Felix was intensely aware of the kind of danger that he was putting himself and multiple other road users in by driving that quickly and carelessly but at the moment, he didn’t care. He needed to get to Rose as soon as possible. The lady on the phone whose name he had forgotten to ask had told him that Rose was going to be fine but he still wanted to be there for her. She had always been kind enough to bring him homemade chicken noodle soup whenever he came down with a cold so this was him attempting to return the kind gesture.

He heard his phone begin to ring. Without pausing his driving to check who was calling him, he felt around for his phone in the cup holder and swiped at the screen.

“Felix, where are you?” The shrill disapproving voice of his mother asked.

Felix gritted his teeth. He should have checked who was calling him before answering. “I’m on the road right now mother.”

“I know that, I can hear all the activity going on around you.” Bethany hissed referring to the cacophony of blaring horns she could hear from her end of the call. “What I’m asking is where on the road you are and why you’re not a work at the moment.” She huffed.

“I’m on my way to Saint John’s Hospital at the moment.”

“What on earth are you looking for there? If you’re feeling ill just take a painkiller or something and it would go away. And then if you still feel ill, well just suck it up and come do your job here at Tech Town. There’s a lot to do here.” She lectured.

Felix cursed under his breath. “I’m not the one that’s ill mother. It’s Rose. She’s currently at the hospital and I’m driving over to see how she’s doing.”

“Who is Rose?” Bethany mused. “Is she some cheap whore that you’ve been dating behind my back?”

“Rose is not a cheap whore!” Felix lashed, his tone sharp. He reeled in his anger before continuing. “She’s my personal assistant.”

He didn’t have to be in the same room with his mother to know that she had rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue. “What’s the difference?” Unlike she usually did, Felix refused to cower to his mother’s sarcastic tone. He pressed on.

“She isn’t. Rose Arthur is the sweet old lady that has been my personal assistant for a while now. I was just informed that she suffered a heart attack in the early hours of the morning and I’m going to ensure that she’s okay.”

The silence on the other side of the line stretched out for ages. Felix could have sworn that his mother had hung up until she spoke again. “So you’re wasting all this time to go and see some insignificant old lady in the hospital?” Felix tried to defend his actions but she cut him off. “Just know that I intend for you to make on every second you spend out of work, plus extra. That means if you spend three hours with the old fart, I expect you to spend a minimum of three hours extra once you get back to work. Is that understood?” Bethany asked then hung up before Felix could get another word in.

“Fuck my life!” Felix yelled into the empty car as he ran another red light. Although he was annoyed at the prospect of having to spend extra hours at work on his mother’s demand, he was determined to spend as much time as was needed with Rose. She was more than just a personal assistant. She was like a hard worker, a good friend, and more of a mum to him than his own mother had ever been.


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