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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 91

“That sounds like something he would do.”

“The thing is that we’ve been looking at his movements on the night of the shooting and he was nowhere near the hotel. He wasn’t even in Atlanta when it happened.”

“He could have easily hired somebody to do the work for him. He knows a lot of shady people.”

“We already know that. But assassinations cost a pretty penny and we’ve looked into his finances and phone calls for the last five months. A lot of it was shady but nothing there pointed to him getting anyone to off you.” He announced.

“I think you should look harder. Maybe it was a cash transaction and not a wired one. He carries out most of his transactions in cash. That’s why you haven’t been able to trace it yet. I’m telling you, it has to be Big Daddy.” Isabel insisted. “He torched Cassie’s house thinking that she’d be there and then followed me to the winter ball to shoot me.”

Deputy Grayson fixed her with a disbelieving stare. “What kind of work did you do for him?”

“What are you talking about?”

“We found out that Big Daddy has a club and when we talked to some of the staff there, they said that you used to work there up until a while ago. You left after the two of you had a falling out and I was wondering what kind of work you did at the club.”

Isabel’s first reaction was to lie. But then she remembered that the man standing before her was a police officer and she would get in trouble if she did. Besides, if Deputy Grayson did go to Club Indigo like he said he did, then he knew exactly the kind of job that she had done there. “I’m the victim.” She said, feeling a sharp pain in her chest as she raised her voice. “I was shot. You shouldn’t be asking me these kinds of questions as if all of this was somehow my fault. The kind of work that I did at the club is of no use to the investigation.”

“Since you’re having difficulty saying what work you did, let me help you. From what I gathered, you were a sex worker there. No, that word’s a bit too formal for someone like you. You were a whore. And then you got greedy, stole from him and rather than admit it, you left the job to hide out at your friend’s place. So yeah, he was wrong by trying to gun you but come on, you deserved it. In my opinion, the state is wasting valuable resources trying to solve the attempted murder of a cheap, worthless whore who does nothing but…”

“That’s enough.” Daniel said. For someone who was mostly smiling, he looked downright terrifying as he was angry. His fists were clenched firmly at his sides, with his nails digging into his palms as he tried to remind himself that it was a crime to punch a police officer across the face. He had come back with the nurse who had a back of morphine and a bed pan with her. “You have no right to talk to her, or anyone else, like that. Frankly, I think you’ve overstayed your welcome, deputy.” He said and held the door open.


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