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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 95

“What’s the update?” Felix asked, walking down the hall.

There was a deep sigh at the other end of the line. “There still hasn’t been any sighting of him. No one is sure if he has been back to his place ever since he’s been out of police custody. Witness testimony is also a bit shaky as that neighborhood has mostly junkies and alcoholics in it. Most of the people that I tried to talk to were high out of their minds, saying things like he was abducted by aliens.”

“Anything else?” Felix sighed, pausing in front of his office’s door. He wasn’t the least bit comfortable that Big Daddy was still out there. The police still had no clue about his location so Felix had hired a private investigator to speed up the investigation.

“I have been able to find one thing out though: the last time that he was at his club was the morning of the shooting and the fire. His manager said that he cleared out the safe and stuffed all of the cash in a duffel bag. If he did pay someone to do his dirty work, I suspect he used the cash from the safe.”

“Okay. Let me know if there’s anything else.” He hung up and then opened the door to his office.

“Good morning, Mr. Callahan.” Annalisa greeted with a smile as he stepped into the office. “I have your schedule for the say and everything is set up for your next meeting at noon. Also, your family’s lawyer faxed over these documents for you. She said that made a copy of the original, the highlighted parts you would need and added explanatory footnotes.” She said as she handed Felix a cluster of stapled papers.

“Thank you Annalisa.” Felix said as he distractedly took the papers from her. His attention was more focused on the flat screen opposite him. It was tuned into the news station but Felix wasn’t paying attention to it because he wanted to keep up with the morning news. He was waiting for something – or rather, someone – to appear.

“… who is still on the run. Authorities have advised that everyone remain vigilant and take appropriate precaution as he is considered armed and dangerous. Your cooperation can help bring this dangerous criminal to justice so please ensure to report all suspicious activity.” A blonde woman informed. “We will continue to provide updates on this developing story as new information becomes available. Up next, we have Dorothea Sinclair in the studio with tech genius Cassie Peters who is making waves in both the technological and medical

field with her revolutionary app, Care Compass.

This is Sarah Grant with Channel Six and it has been the morning news.” The scene panned out from her face, slowly fading out as the sound of the program’s end theme song flooded the room.

When Cassie had gotten the news that she was to be interviewed because of Care Compass, the only person that had been happier than her was Felix. She had driven to the news station earlier that morning for the interview. Felix

“Annalisa, please turn that up and hit record.” Felix said as he settled into his chair. He set the papers that Annalisa had given him aside. He already knew what they were – his dad’s last will and testament. He has asked the family lawyer to go through them again to find out whether Isabel had any part in the Callahan family fortune. He knew that there was a time his parents had considered having other children. If that was the case, there was the possibility that the will would state his heir as children instead of child or son, meaning that he and Isabel would share what was left of his dad’s fortune as Bethany had long since squandered hers. But all of that could wait. Right now, his full attention was on Cassie.


“Good morning. I’m Dorothea Sinclair and welcome to today’s session of Under the Spotlight. Our guest today is Cassie Peters who is the brilliant mind behind the revolutionary app, Care Compass. Cassie, thank you for joining us today.”

It took Cassie a little bit to realize that was her cue. When she had been told that the program’s name was Under the Spotlight, she had thought that it was just a catchy name and hadn’t known that the station would take its name very seriously as the studio’s lights were blindingly bright and searing hot. Thankfully, she could barely feel the heat emanating from them as the air conditioner was working on full blast. She understood that with all the equipment that the news station had, it was necessary for them to have the air conditioner set to that temperature but she wished that she could talk someone into turning up the heat a little. She was beginning to feel the cold even though the thick cashmere sweater she had on.

“Thank you for having me, Dorothea. It’s an honor to be here.” She bit back a small smile as she pronounced the woman’s name correctly. She had had a bit of trouble remembering that the woman’s name was Dorothea and not Dorothy but Isabel had helped her solve that problem by reminding her how much she hated it whenever Bethany had called her everything but Cassie. Determined to be nothing like the vile woman, she had grasped the newscaster’s name in no time.

“Can you tell us a bit about your app and how it works?”


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