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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 285

"No matter how busy, you're always the top priority," Brittany said. Seeing Zella go as pale as a sheet, she quickly changed the subject.

The Andersons couldn't give a rat's ass about Zella, and Marcel was too busy to give him the time of day.

So Brittany kept Zella company till 7 p.m., watching as the day turned to dusk before reluctantly saying goodbye.

As she left the room, Kari yawned, "Brittany, what have you two been yakking about till now?"

She thought one hour would have been enough, but they ended up chatting the afternoon away.

Kari had been killing time outside, playing games on her phone until it ran out of juice.

"We just shot the breeze," Brittany replied. "Come on, let's grab a bite," she said.

Kari had been busting her chops recently. She was supposed to be on a break, but due to work, she never got the chance to step away.

Kari was quick to tag along.

They reached the elevator, and the doors slid open.

Inside stood a haggard young woman with two bodyguards in tow.

Brittany and Kari got on, discussing where to go for dinner.

Joie instantly recognized Brittany. Just like 20 years ago, Brittany still gave her the creeps.

Brittany caught Joie's look and turned to ask, "Do I know you, miss?"

Joie studied Brittany, who looked exactly the same as she did in her memories, unchanged.

"Long time no see, Brittany. It's me, Joie."


Brittany was flabbergasted, "You? What are you doing in Imperial City?"

She remembered that when she was kidnapped, she met a frail girl, Joie.

Brittany had taken pity on her and gave her all her food. In return, Joie betrayed her, locking her in the basement, where she was left to die.

If it hadn't been for a kind man who gave her water, she would've been dead long ago.

She knew Joie was a coward, so she didn't hold a grudge. When she escaped with the kind man, she even tried to take Joie with them.

But Joie refused to go and even tried to rat them out to the traffickers.

After they escaped, they never heard from Joie again.


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