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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 1

Still Hillary's POV

He offered to clean me up and I let him do it because I was so exhausted. 

"I felt sore all over"

He laid me in the bathtub and cleaned me up so gently. After cleaning me up, he ran a quick bath for himself before wiping me dry and carrying me back to the bed. I noticed that the soiled mattress has been changed and a soft and comfy bedspread has been laid on the bed. "I made a mental note to thank the house keeper before I leave."

He walked to his closet and got a shirt and a boxer. He puts on the boxers and handed his shirt to me.

He had this smile on his face that wouldn't just go away and he kept looking at me in a strange way and I wondered what was going through his mind. He helped me put on his shirt and climbed in next to me and pulled me into his arms. I dared to look up at him and found him staring at me in a tender way which gives me goosebumps all over my body. I've always wanted him to look at me this way, It's been my greatest desire, and now that I have it, I feel complete and fulfilled. He kept his eyes on one, causing me to blush deeply as I looked away from his piercing gaze, suddenly feeling shy of his scrutiny.

"What??? I asked him with a smile.

"Am sorry. I didn't know...

I kissed him to silence him.

"It's fine, don't be sorry," I smiled after the kiss.

"Do you still hurt??"

"Am just a little sore, I'll survive" 

He smiled at my joke and pulled me closer. He seems to zone out for some minutes, lost in his thoughts... I looked up and saw him staring at me again, still lost in thought. He noticed me staring and pulled me closer and kissed my lips.

"Am sorry I caused you pain. I never meant to hurt you.

"It's fine Nate, you don't have to sound so guilty. You didn't do anything that I didn't want. One man is bound to do so someday and I'm.  glad it was you because I really like you," I said boldly, not knowing where I got my courage from.

He smirked and kissed me lightly.


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