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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 112

Still Nathan’s POV

“First, you tried to steal my company and now I catch you trying to screw my wife. Mehn, you must really have a death wish Lawrence. Give me one reason why I should let you live, tell me why I shouldn’t put a bullet through your fucking skull, right now.” I asked him fiercely, pointing my gun to his head.

“Y… Y… Wife?” He stammered out in confusion, looking like a lost little puppy.

“I said to convince me not to put a hole in your fucking head, but all you come up with that stupid question?” I yelled in anger as I aimed at his shoulder and took a clean shot at him. I did not aim to kill him, I just want to see him in pain as he bleeds in front of me. He screams in pain as he applied pressure to his shoulder, trying to stop his bleeding.

“You son of a bitch!” he cursed in pain as he pulled on the tablecloth and uses it to press on his shoulder.

“I didn’t do anything, Mr. Trent. Your father made me buy those shares, I have no interest in your fucking company, I never did. Please take your documents and just get the hell out of my house, I don’t have any issues with you.” He let out in a pained voice, brushing off the topic of Hillary. That fucking pissed me off even more. I punched him hard in the face, tackling him to the ground as I kept punching him repeatedly.

“Do I look like I care about some fucking shares?

You screened my woman, you fucking screwed my wife and you stand there and talk to me about some damn shares. Those shares are mine, I don’t fucking need your permission to get them back and you had no right to put your filthy hands on my wife, you have no fucking right. Now I know why you have been running and hiding away from me, it was never about the company or the shares, was it, you just didn’t want me to find out that you have been fucking my wife.” I yelled in his face, kicking him hard in the stomach, making him groan in pain as he rolls on the floor, coughing out blood.

“That’s not true, I never ran. I only moved away when you burnt down my fucking house. Look man, I’m sorry man, I really am. I had no idea that she is married, I didn’t know, I swear. I didn’t even touch her, I promise, I didn’t do it.” He pleads.

“Don’t you fucking lie to me, I just saw you two sucking lips like some bunch of horny teenagers. Lying would only escalate your situation, trust me, you don’t want to get me more pissed.” I warned him sternly.

“My fucking life is at stake here, why the hell should I lie to you? 

Yes, I made out with her a couple of times but we never went all the way, I never screwed your girlfriend or wife, whatever she is. You know we never did it, you have been the one sabotaging our relationship all this while. Why didn’t you just come clean and take her away from me, why go through so much trouble just to have her back. You burnt my house and my company, you fucking ruined my properties. I can’t believe that you would do all this for a woman, you could have just asked me to back off and I would.” He complained bitterly, trying to stand up from the floor. His words sound so comforting and annoying at the same time. I’m trying to convince myself that he is telling the truth, but I just can’t believe him. I know what I saw and I know that he would have screwed her right here on this table if I hadn’t shown up. The thought of that makes me want to punch him in the face over and over again. I know that if I stay here one more second, I will be forced to kill him, so I turned around and walked away before I kill an innocent man. I still don’t have all the facts, I still need to question Brian and find out if he knows anything about this. It is very obvious that Ray knows more than he is letting on and I intend to find out exactly what hat he knows right now.

“Get my document and meet me in the car.” I ordered Raymond before walking away. He knows that he has been caught, I can see the regret in his eyes. If not for the fact that we have been through a lot and we both share a history that can’t be easily forgotten, I would have killed him right now and damn all his explanations to hell. But I have to hear what he has to say, I have to give him the benefit of the doubt, at least I know that he deserves it. I left them all and walked to the door, but I stopped when I got to the door and I turned to Lawrence Delaney and I leveled him a strong gaze, making him shiver in fear, 

“If I see you with ten miles from her again, I’ll kill you. That is not a threat, I’ll kill you.” I told him sternly, then I turned around and walked out the door, walking towards our cars that are now parked in front of the house. I guess the guys brought in the card after we subdued the guards. I could see that some of his guards are already awake, but they have been tied up pretty well and their weapons have been taken from them so they pose no danger to me or my boys. I ignored them all as I walked to my car, then I beckoned Brian to come with me to my car, it’s high time I get to the bottom of this issue. 


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