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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 2

He is so pissed, so fucking pissed and it scares the shit out of me. He dragged me out of the hotel's lobby, like a kid whose mom just found him roaming around in an extremely large supermarket. He opened the passenger side of the car, pushing me inside angrily, then he jammed the door so hard that it vibrated in the entire car, my body shaking so violently.

“What the fuck are you doing here, do you have a death wish, if you do you can tell me and I’ll do you a favor by putting a bullet through your fucking brains. I thought we asked you to stay low until this whole shit blows over, why the fuck did you come here today, do you want to ruin our plans?” He asked me angrily, his eyes still glaring daggers at me.

“First off, you have no right to talk to me in that tone, you ain’t my guardian and you certainly ain’t my father. Secondly, what the fuck is wrong with you, why are you acting like a fucking lunatic, and where the hell is Hillary?” I yelled back at him, trying to match his furious look with one of my own, but failing miserably at it. I had wanted to intimidate him with an angrier tone of voice and an even more aggressive look, but he wasn’t in the mood for silly shenanigans right now, he looked like he was about to smack me hard on the face, to prove his point, he stepped on the brakes in the middle of the road, turning to pin me a hard glare that made me budge and confess immediately, 

“Fine, I’m sorry okay. I know you said I have to stay hidden until everything is over, but I can’t sit still anymore, not when Hillary’s life is in danger. I should never have left her alone, I should not have blamed her for something she had no fucking control over. I feel guilty for abandoning my friend and I am here to make it up to her. She is in danger, Miguel. I don’t know what you guys are planning, but I know that Hillary is in danger. You have to stop her, you have to make her see reasons why she should choose another way to fight that bitch, you can’t let her hurt herself, you have to help me stop her Miguel. I know it is your plan but you have to stop her from getting hurt Miguel, please help me to stop her.” I pleaded with him, keeping my eyes on him as he turned on the ignition and started driving once more.

“How did you know what she is planning how did you know that she is going to get hurt today?” he asked me curiously, gazing at me from the corner of his eyes. I narrated my conversation with Hillary to him, telling him how she said farewell to me, telling him how she sounded like it would be her last time talking to me.

“You have to help me save her, please Miguel, she is the only family I have.” I pleaded softly, the tears already spilling down my cheeks. 

“Are you telling me that you got into a plane and came down to New York just to save Hillary, do you know that your life is at risk also, you could end up dead on the streets of New York, you know.”

“I know Miguel, I know all that already, but I don’t really care about my life right now, I just want her to be safe, I can’t sit by and watch her get killed, I just can’t. I shouldn’t have left her alone in the first place.” I cried out frustratedly. He looked at me strangely, looking so dumbfounded.

“You didn’t leave her all alone, you left her with me and I was working on a plan to get her out of here before you foolishly came here to ruin it all. I was supposed to sneak one person out of here tonight, I’ve concluded plans on how to get her out, now I have to start adding one more person to the equation.” He scolded softly, turning to glare at me. I looked at him in confusion, trying to understand what he was talking about. After a few minutes of silence, he told me about Hillys near-death experience, telling me about how he had taken her to a pharmacist. 

I wanted to scream and scold him for letting her put herself in danger, but the stern look on her face wouldn’t let me say a fucking word. I could not understand why he had taken her to the pharmacy and not the hospital. He told me everything, telling me how they were chased by some guys and how he had faked their deaths a few hours ago, giving them a chance to sneak out of this place. I was beginning to understand why he had said that my presence here is going to ruin his plans. Now I’m feeling even more guilty for being here, but it's not my fault that I care so much about her, is it? If only they have taken my calls, I would have known what is going on in New York, I would have known about their plans and I would have stayed back home. But they just decided to ignore me completely like a fucking nuisance.

“I’m sorry, I only wanted to be close to my friend. I tried calling her, I also tried calling you, but no one was picking up, I thought something was wrong with her. I’m sorry Miguel.” I muttered softly, but he didn’t say anything to me. He just kept silent as he drove off, concentrating on the road, ignoring me completely. I don’t even know where we are heading to. I was about to ask him where we were headed when I saw the sign up ahead that indicated that we are approaching a pharmacy. I looked at him in question, wondering if this is where he had brought her. He nodded in response, smiling softly before turning off the ignition and getting off the car.


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