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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 2

“Out,” I ordered the driver that still sat in the car waiting for my instructions. He got down and stood by the door, waiting. Brian got into the car and sat right next to me, he knew what this was about already, he did not wait for me to ask him twice, he quickly handed me the files, shaking like a leaf beside me. I opened it immediately and read through his notes, confirming what I know already. Ray had been hiding the truth from me all these years. Hillary is here in Paris and she has been here for more than three years. She has a hotel in a very good spot and she lives in a large but quiet estate uptown, just like the estate where I built our house. I nearly went back in there to punch Lawrence again, he had been seeing my wife for the past eight months and he told me that he hasn’t slept with her. I could kill that bastard for lying to me, but I had better things to do with my time so I won’t bother with him anymore.

There was a huge space at the end of the file and it has two huge question marks written boldly on it, signifying that he is still investigating something. Under one of the question marks, it says, “babies” and under the second question mark, it says “the girl”. I asked him what he was still investigating and he was just about to answer me when Raymond came out of the house and tapped on the car window, urging me to wind down and take the files that he got from Lawrence. I did not wind down the window, rather, I pushed the door open and stepped down from the car with Brian’s file in my hand. I snatched the file from him forcefully and I pushed Brian’s file into his hands with my eyes glaring daggers at him. He paled completely when he opened it, he couldn’t say a fucking word, he just kept looking at me in shame. I could see the guilt in his eyes and it hurts me to see that I have been right all along.

“Why, Raymond, why did you lie to me?” I inquired fiercely, forcing him to look down in shame.

“I’m sorry Mr. Trent. I wanted you to focus on the company. I thought she would be a distraction, I did not want you to bring your family back to New York until you take down all your enemies. I’m so sorry boss, I was just looking out for you.” 

“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Ray?

If you were simply looking out for me like you so claim, then why haven’t you told me about it since I took over the company?

It’s been eight months, Ray. Right fucking months since I became Chairman and CEO of my family's empire. All this while you said nothing to me, we’re you ever going to tell me, I mean, how long were you going to keep lying to my fucking face, when were you planning to tell me?” I yelled furiously. I did not even realize that I was moving closer to him, but I saw him moving away from me and I realize that I was moving to attack him in my angry state.

“So what else are you keeping from me, Ray?

You better let it all out right now before I find out from someone else. if I find out that you lied and withheld more information from me, I’ll get rid of you, I’ll fucking kill you Raymond and your family would be blacklisted again. I’ll advise you to study that file carefully and think carefully before you answer.” I warned him firmly.

“I can tell you the whole truth, Mr. Trent, but you have to promise not to shoot me.” He pleaded calmly, taking another step backward. I could see the guilt written all over his face and I can see that he is scared, but I need to know everything he knows, so I took out my gun and threw it at one of the guards, with my eyes still fixed on him sternly.

“Start talking.” I ordered him firmly, with my voice filled with anger.

“I’m so sorry Nate, I never meant for you to find out this way, I was just…” 

“Cut the crap and tell me what I need to know.” I yelled furiously, cutting his words short.

“I… I… I have reason to believe that your wife is the granddaughter of Mr. Connor and his wife Elsa that we are searching for. Her name popped up in my investigation, she is the same age as the girl we are looking for and she came into the orphanage around the same time that the child got missing. I just need to confirm if she has a scar on the back of her head.” 

“Jesus, Ray… What the hell is wrong with you, how could you keep something like this from me, how could you be so stupid?” I yelled in frustration as I dragged my hand threw my hair. But he looked unfazed by my outburst, that could only mean that he has something else to tell me that is way worse than this. I wonder what could be worse than this.

“Just say it already.” I yelled out at him when he keeps hesitating to say the last part.

“Mrs. Trent was pregnant before you left, she had two kids for you, Nate. You are a father.”


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