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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 38

Still Hillary’s POV

They had nearly caught me before I got to the estate. They came so close to my car, scaring the shit out of me when they rolled down the glass window of their car, pointing a gun at me. I ducked on time before they pulled the trigger, but I could still hear the sound of the bullet swooshing past me, going out the other window. I stepped on the gas pedal once more, going at a ridiculously dangerous speed limit, trying so hard to get out of their gunfire. I was so glad when I saw the gate a few feet away. They couldn’t enter this estate, I watched them park a few miles from the gate, watching me as I drove through the gate. I slowed down my car, waiting to see if they would follow me in, but they didn’t. I tried alerting the security guys at the gate, begging for their help, but they didn’t believe me, even with the bullet marks on my car. I has to drive off in anger when they asked me to drive back to the precinct and file a formal report with the cops.

I left them staring at my vehicle in surprise as I drove home in anger. At least, my security guards won’t be as stupid as these ones, they would at least help me get to the root of this matter.  They had believed me when I told them that I was chased by some thugs. They asked me to inform the cops about it all, I dialed the 911 emergency line, but it kept putting my calls on hold. The guys did a sweep of the whole premises, making sure I wasn’t followed. I was super shocked when they found a bug in my car. I have no idea how they had bugged my car, it must have been when they were shooting at me, the shooting had only been a distraction, their real motive was to put a bug in my car. The guys are not experts on techs, they could not find out what the bug in my car could do, it’s going to take quite a while for them to get to Nathan's tech expert and confirm if the bug is still active and what it could do.

I left them to their jobs and went back inside, trying once more to reach Nathan and tell him what I’d just experienced. But as usual, his line was not connecting. I also tried to reach the cops once more, but It went straight to voicemail, I wasn’t able to reach anyone. I’ve just managed to get away from my pursuers, I’ve managed to get home safely, escaping death severally, but I have not been able to hear from anyone, not Nathan nor Avril. She was supposed to get out of that house in time, I told her to go down the air vent, but so far, I haven’t been able to reach her on the phone because her line is not connecting, I just don’t know what to do anymore, it’s just too much for me to bear alone, I need someone to talk to and share my worries, I need him like never before, I need Nathan.

I just can’t sit still, my body is shaking furiously as I keep checking the window, searching for any clue that would suggest that they followed me to this house. The guards have assured me that they would not let anyone through, they keep trying to assure me that I’m safe at home, saying no one would attempt any assault on my life, not while I’m in this house. They said they were getting more reinforcement from their boss. I wonder if their reinforcements are coming from Nathan himself, he could simply be avoiding me on purpose and I just don’t know why.

A part of me wants to believe them, a part of me wants to go to bed and sleep it all off, terming this whole ordeal as a dream but unjust can’t shake off the feeling that they haven’t given up on me yet. I don’t know who they are, I have no idea what they want with me or Avril. If only I can see Ariel right now, she may be able to figure this out. Right now I can’t tell if they are after me or her, they just showed up out of nowhere, chasing the both of us. 

“Mrs. Trent, you need to hear what they are saying on the news, it’s very important, ma’am, it’s about Mr. Trent. You have to see it now.” Miguel, my chief security guy said to me, going to turn on the huge television that is hanging above the fireplace. He kept on clicking on the remote control, going over all the news channels. I watched in horror at the headlines on all the news channels that says, 

“Famous Billionaire Heir, Nathan Trent, was involved in a plane crash,”

“New York wealthiest and most handsome Bachelor, dead or alive?”

“Remains of Mr. Nathan Trent and his crew still not found.”

“A huge loss on Trent’s household,”

The headlines were just endless, each news channel has its own side of the story but the message that was being passed across to the public was one and the same, Nathan is dead. He was involved in a plane crash and nobody survived the crash. 


“It’s not true, I just can’t believe that, I can never accept that. He said he was coming back in a few months, he said he was going to spend the rest of his life with me. He can't be dead, this is all one big joke, they are all going to realize their mistake when he comes back home and sue them all for spreading fake news about him, he’ll never let them go unpunished. I’ll make them pay for toiling with my emotions, how can they joke with something this huge, I’ll never let this go, I’ll never forgive them for this, they’ll pay for lying about my man. I’m not accepting this, I can’t be a widow just a few days after marriage, I won’t believe these lies, I can’t believe it!!!” I sobbed hysterically, pressing the remote control nonstop, searching for a news channel that would tell me the truth because I chose not to believe what the other channels are saying, I would never accept such news, it’s simply impossible. 

“The supposed wife of Mr. Nathan Trent, Ariel Montana, moans her late husband, dressed in all white.” I paused and listened to what they were saying in this channel, I can’t believe that everyone thinks that this bitch is Nathans's wife. I watched in anger as she sits proudly with his family, posing for the camera while acting sad and depressed. Any idiot could tell that she is obviously faking it. She kept staring at her manicured nails as she acted sad in front of the camera.

“That’s not his fucking wife, you idiots. I’m his legal wife and I know that he is not dead, my Nathan is not dead, you idiot!!!” I yelled at the screen, talking to them through the television screen as if they could hear me. I grabbed a cuddle pillow from the couch and threw it right at the television screen, it would have fallen down and broken into a million pieces if Miguel wasn’t standing a few feet away. He caught it just before it could lose its balance, setting it back as it was before my pillow hit it. I wanted to say thank you, really want to, but I’m too tired to think about what is right and what is not, I’m too pissed to care about anyone’s feelings but myself, I’m too hurt to care about anything else. 

How could everyone be so blind and stupid? 


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