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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 42

Hillary’s POV

I was so devastated by the news, it’s all a lie, it’s just not true, how could this happen to Me, how could he be dead, he is such a good man, so damn perfect. Why do bad things always happen to good people, why is my life so unfortunate and miserable?

First, it had been my parents, they hated me so much that they couldn’t bear to bring me up themselves, they had to dump me in an orphanage, leaving me to my fate. I have struggled to get to where I am today, I thought my life is becoming perfect, now I’ve lost the only person that has ever shown me true love and compassion. He had loved me with all his heart, he had shown me how beautiful life can be, now he is gone, leaving me all alone in this house. Am I a magnet for bad luck, why is all this happening to me?

No, No Way.

I’m not going to listen to anything they are saying, I just won’t believe it. He had promised me that he is coming back for me and I know he would always keep to his promises, he would never leave me this way, not now, not ever. I sit in front of the screen every damn day, watching the news, waiting for some sort of miracle. Maybe, they would realize their mistake, maybe my Nate would show up and put them all to shame, but that’s just my wishful thinking, it never happened, he never showed up like I imagined.

Three months...

That is how long it took them to wait. They had waited for only three months, and now they are planning for his funeral. They believe the stories, they have already concluded that be is already dead. They have given up on the search for him and now they are planning his funeral.

It’s just ridiculously unbelievable. I can’t believe that even his parents would believe that he is dead. Two weeks ago, the search party had stumbled upon some remains from the crash site, they claim that they found his body parts at the crash site. The autopsy report affirms their suspicions, claiming that they have found his remnants, and now they are going to bury an empty casket. 


How could they believe that he is dead, can they not feel what I am feeling in my heart, do they not see that this is all a big lie, how can they believe that Nathan is dead, don’t they love him as much as I do?

I can feel our bond, it was never broken. It may be a bit weak because of the distance between us, but I feel it anyway and I know for a fact that Nathan is alive, he just can’t be dead, I’m never accepting it.

Miguel has been with me always, he has never left my side all this while, he promised to be with me through it all and he has kept to his promises. He stayed by my side even when the others decided to leave because Nathan wasn’t going to pay them anymore. Despite the threats and dangers lurking around me, they all left, just like that, leaving me to my face, letting me face my stalkers alone.

As for my stalkers, I still have no idea who they are and they never gave up on me, they keep following me around, making me look over my shoulder every damn day. Avril has narrowly escaped death at their hands that first night. We had all thought that they were going after her that day, the plan was for her to pull the fire alarm and then run out through the laundry vent. It’s a good thing that she had listened to me and followed my instructions, otherwise, she’ll be so fucking dead right now.


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