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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 56

Miguel’s POV

I turned my car around heading to the bridge, making all the cars to chase after me. I deliberately took some curves and turns that confused the coos chasing after me, making them crash against each other. Before long, the cars chasing after me reduced considerably, but they never gave up on me, they continued calling for more backup, chasing after me relentlessly.

Ariel was nowhere in sight, but I know she is still controlling these guys. I could have the pinging sound on the phones I took from her guys when I accosted them earlier. Her endless messages were on display on the screen of the phone. Her orders were to shoot to kill. With the way she has been desperately trying to kill Hillary, I think she has found out about her secret marriage with Nathan. 

Her guys are good, too good. I think they use the same procedures as the Mafia, they are very efficient and they get information with lightning speed. There is no information that can be hidden from them for a long time, sometimes it surprises me how they manage to find us, no matter where we are hiding. I try my best to hide our locations but they still end up finding us. If Ray were here, he would have discovered the missing link, he would have found the bug they are using to track us down. I’ve searched all our belongings, I’ve changed our phones a couple of times just in an effort to find out how they have been tracking us, but I couldn’t find anything, nothing at all, yet they keep finding us, no matter where we are hiding.

It’s times like this that I need Ray, I just hope he finds his way back home, I hope he is still alive, not just him, Nathan too. This time, I’m going to outsmart them. I don’t care if they use a stronger network, I don’t even care if they have guys on the street that are keeping eye on me, this time,  I’m getting them off my back for good.

I kept driving towards the bridge, trying to stay ahead of all the other cars so they don’t see that I am all alone in the car. The tinted glass has been shot by Ariel’s thugs, the glass has shattered into the car. If they come any closer, they would see that she wasn’t here, so I had to drive faster to stay ahead of them all, I had to make it seem like I was trying to get away from them, they must never find out that I have a plan. 

I could see the roadblock up ahead, in the middle of the bridge, they are planning to trap me on the bridge. The cops behind must have informed them that I am heading towards the bridge, they must think that they have me exactly where they want me to be, if only they know that I led them all here for a reason. The cops at my front were pointing their guns at me, trying to make me stop, the ones behind me also stopped and created a roadblock behind me, trapping me in their midst.

I stopped my stolen car a few feet from the roadblocks, looking at the cops through hooded eyes, acting like I feel trapped. I smirked when I saw the smug looks on their faces as they let the feeling of triumph flow through their bodies. By the look on their faces, you could tell that they are feeling excited. An officer brought out the microphone, saying the usual crap that nobody ever listens to, 

“Step out of the vehicle, slowly, and put your hands behind your head. You are surrounded, you have nowhere else to go to. Step away from the vehicle, I repeat, move away from the vehicle.” He screamed into the speaker, sounding so serious, actually, he sounded more serious than necessary, you would think that he was trying to arrest a murderer and not a common car thief. 

I’m pretty sure that these cops have no idea what is going on here, the dirty cops among them must have framed me with a crime and come up with a warrant to get me arrested. I just hope I don’t end up hurting innocent cops that have no stake in all this, I mean those that are not on Ariel’s payroll. 


What hell am I even saying?

Avril has no payroll, she has no money in her name, not even a dime. Without the wealth of the Trents, she is nothing but a cheap whore who screws every guy that has a few bucks in his pocket. After her first attempt to kill Hillary Trent, I did some digging into her background and I discovered that her father has gone completely bankrupt. Their extravagant lifestyle is part of the reason why they went bankrupt, her father is a chronic gambler, he spends all day at the casino, gambling his life away. She and her mom live like wealthy divas, shopping and partying every other day. Knowing the truth about her family background raised many other questions that had me digging deeper into her affairs. 

I know she won’t be able to afford to live this way, she had no money and no name, she isn’t married to any of the Trent brothers, I wanted to find her sponsor, I thought I could stop her funding if I know her benefactor. The best way to get all that information is by stealing it from the one person who keeps an eye on all the affairs of Nathan Trent. I stole her records from someone that has been keeping a close eye on all her affairs, someone that cares about Nathan as much as I do, Costello. He has been keeping an eye on her, he has always known that she is here for his money, he knows exactly what she is capable of, he has always known. This makes me wonder if he had purposely kept mute and allowed Nathan to go on that trip and face his death. He has all her records, it has been with him all this while, yet he kept all those information to himself.

I’m sure Nathan would never have gone on that trip if he had all this information. Although, I can’t conclude yet, not when I have no evidence to support these claims. All the evidence I gathered could only implicate her thugs and hired assassins. I have no direct evidence that puts her at any of the crime scenes, and so does Costello, he also has details, not evidence. It could be that he had hidden these secrets from Nathan Trent because he doesn’t have concrete evidence either, but the truth remains that he hid important information from Nathan and now he is in danger because he didn’t get all the right information from his trusted sources.

I have all her records, I know exactly what she is capable of. I know all about her shady deals and the crimes she had committed even before she started aiming at the position of Mrs. Trent. I discovered that she doesn’t have a benefactor as I thought, she has many, many benefactors who also happen to be her lovers. But her biggest sponsor and lover is Nathan's brother, Travis Trent. From the information I got from the stolen documents, I am forced to that believe that he is the one responsible for his cousin's plight. 

I know about the enmity between both brothers, everyone in our family knows the story. I had suspected that he is involved with this, seeing his records just proved to me that I was right all along. Now all I need to do is to find evidence that irrefutable, evidence that I can present in court. I need to know his accomplices, there is no way that he can carry out this mission alone, he had help from somewhere and I’ll find out where his helpers are. First, I’ll take Hillary to safety, I’ll make sure she is out of harm's way, then I can get back here and screw that dude over, exposing his lies and treachery, then I can also help find my brother and our boss, Nathan Trent.

But all that has got to wait until I make it out of here alive and get Hilly to safety. I put on my headlights, blinking them at the cops in warning, telling them that I’m not ready to back down, not now, not ever. I sped forward, driving at top speed, hearing gunshots going off behind. I knew they were shooting at me, but I don’t fucking care. I stepped on the gas pedal, ramming the car into the roadblock set by the cops. I saw the guys screaming and diving for safety, trying to get off my path. I drove right into the police cars, hitting them off my path, going faster than ever.


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