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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 96

Nathan’s POV

Travis knows I’m back in town, and that is how I want it to be. I don’t want it to seem like took him unawares, I want it to be known by everyone that I made my presence known when I got into town. The news of my return was all over the television, I made it my mission to take interviews and attend public functions to give the reporters something to write about. I was waiting for the deal day, the day he wants to sell the company. The date is fixed and the bidders are all ready to drop their bids and purchase our family's company, my company. I’m waiting for that day, I want to give him a taste of his own medicine, I have a special package waiting for him.

A few days after I finished dealing with Ariel, I had a long talk with my mom and Caitlyn my kid sister, I had to make it clear to them that we can no longer ignore the fact that dad has another family. I made it quite clear to dad that he needs to keep his other wife far away from my mom because I don’t want any situation that would aggravate the situation between him and my mom. They have already pushed her to the wall already, they have made her attempt to commit a felony, I won’t let them go anywhere near her. At the same time, I still want my sister and I to create a bond with dad's other kids, I want to get to meet them, and I want them to know that I have their back, no matter what. My mom and my sister refused to heed to my words, you know, women would always be women. They can hold a grudge for a very long time, but that did not deter me, I still went to pay them a visit anyway. It’s a good thing that I did, I finally got all the pieces of the puzzle and now I’m beginning to feel the same amount of anger that my mom felt, the same anger that pushed her into committing such a heinous crime.

I finally got to know that my father is an enemy in disguise. You see, I’ve always thought that my father is just ignorant of all the things happening around him, I thought he had no fucking idea that he had known about it all along, but he had purposely decided to stand back and watch from a distance. He had been the head of the family for a very long time, he ran the company for years do I’m pretty sure that he knows his way around this business, he knows all about our families secrets and he knows how to get all the information he needs, he couldn’t have said that he knew nothing at all, everyone with a connection to the underground knew what was going on, just that they didn’t have all the details. My father could have had it investigated if he wanted to. He would have done his one personal investigation, I mean, he did investigate the incident that happened in his other wife's house, right? He could have uncovered the whole truth and he could have saved me from that island a lot faster, but he didn’t. He folded his hands and watched like a fucking idiot and that has always bothered me. I would have brushed it off and focused on my mission, I mean, he is my father and I would never have imagined that he would want to hurt me, but all that changed when I went to their house. At first, his wife tried to make me go away,

“I don’t want my kids anywhere near you, your snobbish sister, and your murderous mother. We were doing okay before you came along with your orders and threats. I did everything you asked me to, I fucking cleared your mother's name. The least you can do now is to let us live our lives in peace, please.” She yelled and hung up on me when I made my intentions known to her. But I refused to back down, I had to make it clear to them that I am now the head of the family so my orders must be obeyed. I fixed the date and I invited them over to the mansion for a dinner, but she wouldn’t let them come to our house, so I made an exception this time. We agreed to go over to their house and I am so glad that I had made that decision.

On our way into the building, I saw someone walking out of the house. Our car was just driving through the gate, but I recognized him anyway. He is a professor and he runs an organization that educates and trains rich kids in the way of life of the noble. It is one thing for you to come from a rich home and it is another thing for you to behave like an aristocrat. Dad had invited this same guy to register my sister and I in this fancy school for rich kids and he had visited our home a couple of times so it shouldn’t be weird that I still remember him. It has always been dads dream to train us to be aristocrats, he always said that the future of the Trents lies in that school. He has always wanted the Trents to be seen as Nobles, but my sister and I had stubbornly refused to be turned into a bunch of dweeds, we refused to be trained by his fancy teachers in his fancy school, and we chose to live a normal life instead and I am so glad that we had rejected that stupid idea. My father's other kids are clear evidence that we had made the right decision. 

My God, They were acting so weird, so fucking weird. They could be mistaken for the kids in that musical movie “Sound of music.” It was just so weird, but I have nothing to say about it, I mean, this is like a dream come true for my father and I can see the pride and joy in his eyes. But all this wasn’t bothering me, I mean, he can train his kids to act like robots for all I care. What bothered me is his son, his first child with the other woman. He should be in his late teens but he looks and acts so mature, that you would think that he is in his late twenties. He is all my father has always wanted me to be, I could see my father's dreams and aspirations in him. Dad had always tried to get me to be a perfect son, forcing me to choose the things he would like, trying to make every decision for me to suit his preferences, training me to be perfect, just perfect. But at some point, he just stopped, it was so liberating when he stopped breathing down my throat, and I thought that he was finally understanding me, I thought that he had finally realized that I can never be the perfect son he wants, I thought he has finally decided to accept me the way I am.

But that was never the case… No.

He found what he has been looking for elsewhere, he found it on this kid right here. And all these years that I thought that my father and I have come to an understanding, all these years that I thought that he has finally accepted me the way I am, it had all been a lie. He had been training someone else to be the perfect son he desires, he has been grooming his perfect Noble successor. All through that dinner, I was getting some weird vibes from the kid and he was throwing some shades at me, giving me a weird look that seems so off. It was at that moment that I felt for the first time that my father is an enemy in disguise so I beckoned on Raymond right there in the dining and I told him to look into my father's affairs for the past ten years. I want to know what he has been doing and who he has been meeting. I want to know everything that he has been planning, I have to know what he has been up to.


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