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THE CEO ALPHA KING novel Chapter 2

THE CEO ALPHA KING **His office**

Serena's P O V

The knowledge brought fear into my body. I quickly lowered my head to apologise but couldn't voice out anything.

My body just kept shaking. Before you know it, a lot of workers stopped to watch me.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw the man behind Mr Zed whisper something into his ears. He started moving, my fears increased when he got closer to me but reduced immediately when he walked pass me.

I look back to see him walking out from the company and it looks like he is answering a call.

Oh good heavens! Moon goddess! I'm fucked.

How can I be this clumsy? I couldn't even apologize for bumping into him?

My body kept shaking as everyone that has gathered around started leaving. They kept mumbling inaudible words to themselves which of course I heard.

*That little bïtch. How can she be so stupid?*

*Haha, she's really lucky he got distracted by that call but I don't think she'll work here anymore.*

*She looks so stupid, how did she even get in here?*

*Dirty fool*

Tears started gathering up my eyes as I heard those words.

Hell, I'm still sitting on the floor.

I made to stand up but noticed someone approaching me. The guy from earlier, the one that had told me that my phone was ringing.

He lifted me from the floor before pulling me away to a room I could call storage room.

"Moon goddess! Serena or what's your name. How can you be so.....?" He paused when he noticed tears streaming down my eyes.

"He could have just fired you when you haven't even fully resumed. You are a werewolf. I have never seen a werewolf so weak and clumsy," he huffed out after saying those words.

"I..." I tried saying something but couldn't voice out anything.

"You should stay here for the main time. Well, at least until the tension outside is gone. The CEO has given us the permission to resume work but you weren't there with us. So much trouble on your first day," he clicked his tongue at the end before leaving me alone to cry my eyes out.

Why? Why me? How can I be clumsy? Why am I this weak? I thought and cried seriously.


I got home feeling so down, so sick. I wasn't allowed to work today because the CEO hasn't given me the permission to work with them and considering what I did to him at the company today. Will I ever get a chance to work there? I doubt it.

I dragged my weak legs to my small room, I dropped myself on the bed before covering my body with the duvet. My body hasn't calmed.

My wolf got so scared when she perceived his scent. She has been scolding me non stop for bumping into him.

I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep but couldn't. I kept tossing and tossing about on the bed but sleep wasn't forthcoming.

I sat up on the bed when I heard the car hones outside. My sister is back.

I don't need another nagging tonight. Please, she should spare me that. I feel so hot and cold at the same time, I might really fall sick in this state.

"Serena! Serena!!" I hear her loud voice screaming my name and knew that I was in another trouble.

She bursted in through the door and comes to pull me by my hair out to the sitting room.

"You fool! You disgraced me at the company today. Why on earth did you spill coffee on our CEO'S suit? Are you nut? Have you really gone nut you silly thing?

Why did mom give birth to a silly thing like you as my sister? Why? I hate the fact that you are my sister a lot. You disgust me. You disgust me a lot.

I was only trying to help you work but you only ended up disgracing me. From today onwards, if you see me at the company act like you don't know me. Don't ever call me by my name. I don't wanna get mixed with your misery or I fear I might become miserable like you. Do you hear me??" She scream her last sentence into my ear.

I bobbed my head in responds to her. Ashamed of what I did.

She huffed loudly before storming into her room.

"Hey clumsy girl, what did you do again today? Why is your sister so mad at you?" My step father asked, coming out from the kitchen.

"It's nothing," I mumbled in reply to him before running back into my room. Not that he will console me after learning what happened, he will support his daughter for insulting and bringing my spirit down.

Why did mom die giving birth to me? I hate the fact that she died. Yes, mom is a human, my sister is also a human but my father is a werewolf.

I wonder if mom were to be alive, will she always console me at a time like this? Will she be proud of me as her daughter? Or will she be disappointed and always infuriated by my weakness, ugliness and clumsiness?

I throw my weak self back on the bed. I noticed fresh tears rolling down my eyes but wiped it off.

I should stop crying.

*Yes stop crying. Everything will be okay* I hear the same voice I always hear consoling me.

Sleep eventually took over me after a while.


I opened my eyes the next day. My eyes went to the wall clock to check what time it was, my eyes widened after seeing that it's 7:30am.

Fück! I jumped down from the bed and ran into the bathroom, had a two minutes bath before coming out. I ran into my small closet to pick out a gown that was not too bogus or too tight. The gown looks better than the one I wore yesterday.

After that, I rushed out to the sitting room to see my sister Kate walking out. I followed her out with the hope of asking her to give me a ride since we are heading to the same destination.

She unlocked her car and made to get in but I stopped her.

"Kate," I called. She turned back to stare at me.

"What?" She snapped eyeing me angrily. I ignored her look of anger.

"Can you..can you give me a..."

"No!" She snapped at me before getting into her car and riding out.

I sighed then looked at the time again.

Chapter 2 1


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