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THE CEO ALPHA KING novel Chapter 3


Serena's P O V-

"Are you listening to me?" A loud authoritative voice snarled causing me to flinch.

"Yes...yes ma'am," I answer with my head hanging low.

"You can wait outside," she rolled her eyes as she said.

"Ok," I mumbled before dragging my feet outside the office.

How can a woman like her be so powerful? So fierce? Her face can make your heart beat increase.

I'm sure she is in her early forties. Gosh, can I ever be like her? I doubt it.

"You can sit down here," the secretary outside the door offered me a seat by the side of her desk.

"Thanks," I mumbled my thanks to her before lowering my ass on the seat.

But bringing the Alpha King his coffee? Can I do that? No! I don't think I can face him. I don't think I can.

Should I tell madam Lucas that I can't serve him his coffee? I'm afraid I might make the same mistake I made yesterday.

My life is full of mistakes anyways. I can't do one thing right, am always making mistakes.

After waiting for 20 minutes, madam Lucas called me back into her office. My heart began racing faster which she noticed.

"Are you scared?" She simply asked.

"Ye..yes," I replied.

"You should be scared. He is the king. Everyone is afraid of him, but you have to be extremely careful around him least you get yourself into trouble," she stated increasing my fears. She noticed again.

"If you can't do it then consider yourself out of the company," she glared at me as she said.

"I can do it. I will try," I mumbled my last sentence.

"Ok, make a cup of black coffee for him. The coffee shouldn't be too sweet. Keep it simple but at the same time make it great," she instructed. I nodded my head immediately.

Well, coffee happens to be the only thing I'm good at making. I started making coffee four years ago, then, I worked in a coffee shop. So right now making coffee is the least of my problems. My real problem is serving him the coffee.

Will he recognize me as the girl who bumped and wasted my coffee on him yesterday? Moon goddess, I pray he doesn't remember.

"Go now, be fast." She ordered returning back to the paperwork on her table.

"Thank you ma'am," I thanked and started reaching for the door. Strangly, I felt her burning gaze behind me.

Why is she staring at me? I wish I can ask her. I reached for the door handle and opened the door, I closed it back after that before taking the elevator down.

I asked around for the kitchen and was showed. Immediately I took out the necessary things I needed to make the coffee and got to work. Few minutes later, I left the kitchen with the coffee in hand.

I was careful this time not to bump into anyone. The vice president secretary already told me which floor to head to.

I entered the elevator there which took me to the desired floor. The top floor to be precise.

After the elevator made a ding sound and then opened up, my heart beat increased.

I stepped out to see a guy there. He was backing me but I can recognize him from behind, he is the guy that whispered something into the CEO'S ears yesterday. He indirectly saved me.

I started approaching him, before I could get closer to him, he turned to stare at me.

He gave me a confused gaze expecting me to say something but I couldn't utter a word. From his Aura I can sense that he is the King's Beta. Oh nice. So nice.

Then his eyes lowered to the cup of coffee with me.

"You are the one serving him coffee?" He questioned with a raised eyebrows. I gulped tightly before nodding my head.

He sighed before stepping out of the way for me.

"Be careful not to offend him," he eyed me from head to toe, saying.

I walked pass him to the only door there. I wrapped my hand around the door knob before turning it. The door started opening slowly.

I took a leg in and his overwhelming scent which held so much power hit me.

I breathed in and out before taking the second leg in. I closed the door behind me after entering.

I haven't seen him. Where is he? I thought proceeding inside.

I sighted his large desk at the left hand side of the large office.

Moon goddess! His whole office is bigger that the apartment we live in. How can an office be this big and well decorated? I wondered as I kept moving in.

My eyes slowly landed on him, he is sitting behind his desk but is facing backwards, so I can only see his back.

My wolf shrinked to the deepest part of my body afraid he might end up killing us. I don't blame her tho, the more I get closer to him, the stronger his deadly aura becomes. Everything about him is screaming power! How did I even end up here?

I'm now regretting not turning down madam Lucas orders of serving him his coffee.

I got much closer to him then slowly and gently dropped the coffee on his desk. I straightened up after that thinking of what I was going to say next.

Maybe I shouldn't say anything. Let me just go! Let me just leave. Yeah, it will be better than making another mistake and being thrown away.

I took a step back, I took another step back before turning to leave. Getting to the door, I sighed out in relief, happy that I was getting away from him but abruptly stopped when I heard his authoritative voice that required submission.

"Stop. Get back here." Was what I heard.

I quickly turned back and ran to him, fearing that if I delay one second he might sentence me to death by hanging.

He turned his chair to face me and that was when my eyes took in his manly looks.

He is not even staring at me.

His eyes is focused on the coffee I placed on his table.

He took the coffee, opened it and stared at it for few minutes before taking the cup to the brim of his lips. My eyes widened in both horror and anticipation.

I hope he likes it. I hope he really likes it.

He gulped down a little quantity of the coffee down his throat and I notice something flash in his eyes, he blinked and the look was gone.

Chapter 3 1

Chapter 3 2


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