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THE CEO ALPHA KING novel Chapter 4

THE CEO ALPHA KING **Leaving her home**

Writer's P O V-

Serena got home in dismay, not really believing that she is no longer a free born but a slave. The king's slave.

There was no one around, she entered into her small room and started picking up her little things. Her worn out clothes and the other necessary stuff.

She kept crying as she picked and dumped them into a suit case.

She knows that no one is going to save or even miss her. Although she still expect someone too.

After packing up her stuff, she fell on her small bed and soon fell asleep.

She slowly tore away from sleep when she heard familiar voices inside the sitting room. She sat up on her bed before wiping the remaining sleep away from her eyes.

She walked out of her room to the sitting room to see her sister, Kate setting the dinning table.

She slowly pulled herself to meet her sister. Of course Kate must have heard about what happened.

"Kate," Serena mumbled while standing behind her.

"Oh, you are awake. Come and sit down, it's your goodbye dinner. I personally asked my father to be present for you tonight," Kate turned to face her while she spoke.

Serena's eyes landed on the table behind Kate to see dishes of different kind there.

"Is your slave sister awake yet? Oh..there she is," Serena heard her step father's voice. She turned to see him coming out of the kitchen with a tray that contained drinks.

He walked pass her before keeping the tray on the dinning.

"Sit down Serena," Kate ordered with a firm voice. Serena swallowed down the pain in her chest and sat down.

"I thought it could be nice. Making a farewell party for you, not that I'm actually concerned with what happens to you. I'm sure he'll kill you or sell you out in a few days time anyways." Kate said while cutting her steak.

"Hmm, you do love your sister," Serena's step father commented.

Serena kept muted. She kept watching them both as they ate and talked.

"Why on Earth did my mother leave you to meet Serena's father?" Kate asked her father in hope of making Serena feel like a trash.

"Simple. Lolita was stupid. She was blinded. She stupidly left me for an ugly looking monk, claiming he is her fated husband or whatever. I care less now, all I care about is you my darling," Kate's father replied her.

Kate grinned.

"Dad please. She is still my mother but if she hadn't left you then I trust that she'll still be alive and well. If she hadn't left you, she wouldn't have gotten pregnant with her ugly husband and gotten pregnant with a child who killed her at the end. It's soo saddening," Kate cocked an eyebrow saying.

"It's so saddening that the child you brought to life took your own life. I hope mother has learnt her lesson," Kate added.

Serena didn't notice the tears that has been running down her eyes until Kate touched her cheek.

Serena took her own hand to her cheek and wiped her tears.

She then stood up from her sit.

"You haven't touched your dinner, why is that?" Her step father looked up at her in question.

"I think I'll go to my room now. Thanks for the dinner," she mouthed then turned to leave but Kate's voice stopped her.

"Try to stay alive there, at least for a month. We won't be seeing each other anymore and we won't be bonded by anything because you are now a slave and I can't be siblings with a slave," Serena heard Kate say.

She continued her journey to her room. When she got in, she locked herself up before resuming another round of crying section and eventually slept on the cold floor and in an empty stomach.

When she woke up the next morning. She took her bath before checking her phone. She saw a text message from an unknown number. The message stated that she should prepare herself because he'll be coming to pick her up at 7:00am on the dot.

Serena took her eyes up to look at the time.


She took out a pair of oversized matching shirt and trouser before putting them on and just exactly at 7:00am. She heard car hones outside.

She instantly knew that they were here to pick her. Sent by the Alpha King Zed.

She dragged her luggages out of her room and to the front of their apartment to see a black Jeep there with two guards standing around the car.

She kept dragging her luggages out until the two men sighted her. One a werewolf and the other a human.

They took her luggages from her and kept it in the booth.

One opened the back door of the car for her to get in. She turned back to stare at their apartment, to see whether Kate was gonna come out and hug her goodbye or probably apologize for her mean words but nothing.

With tears in her eyes she got into the Jeep. Even in tears it dawned on her that she has never been in a car so expensive before so she took it upon herself to stare round the car as the two men drove her out of her apartment, her home.

After a long ride, they finally entered an estate. They drove for a very long time before reaching a gate that was crowded with men in black.

Serena noted all of them to be humans. When the men realized who they were, they allowed them pass. They arrived a second gate, there the security was much more tighter than the first one.

Again after realizing who they were they allowed them passed. They got to the third gate, Serena noted all the men out there to be werewolves.

After checking and realizing who they were, the wolves allowed them drive in.

After driving for a short while Serena could now see a gigantic building. The building itself isn't just a mansion but a castle.

Serena's mouth patted open in awe. She has never seen such building before, well expect his fashion company but damn, this building looked so much different. Of course it's understandable because it's a castle, a castle where they live.

Serena kept staring out through the window until they arrived the mighty garage where all sorts of cars were parked.

They parked in the garage and Serena didn't waste time before coming down by herself, her predicament temporarily forgotten.

She stood dazed, wowed at the number of expensive glittering cars there. They were all mostly black, well expect for 5 at least.

Chapter 4 1


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