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THE CEO ALPHA KING novel Chapter 5

THE CEO ALPHA KING **In the king's castle**

Writer's P O V

Serena took in the looks of the kitchen they had just walked into.

The kitchen is wide, more wider than even restaurants and hotel's kitchen.

Everything inside the king's castle is so beautiful, so wide, so big.

"Come on now, go on to the dinning," Isaac's voice pulled Serena out of her bewilderment world.

Serena took her eyes to the direction Isaac pointed at to notice about 4 ladies and 2 guys sitted there. The ladies were staring at her.

Serena's eyes met with one with a red hair, she has this look of dislike on her face.

"Is she the slave coming? Our master's new slave?" The red haired girl asked walking towards them.

"Yup, guess she's the one but that doesn't matter now. Granny Felicia asked for her to be treated specially, and first you'll have to make one of your delicious meals for her," Isaac replied the red haired girl who has now gotten to them.

The red haired girl peeled her eyes away from Serena and settled them on Isaac.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and they started kissing.

Serena seeing this was forced to look at another direction.

"Come on Isa, you should at least show the new girl some respect." One of the two guy's there said while standing to his feet.

He walked up to them. Pulled Isaac and the red haired apart before walking away.

"I'm sorry darling, but you'll have to sit at the dinning. While Betty here make you something," Isaac said to Serena while breathing heavily.

Serena with her head bent, walked to the dinning and sat down with the remaining girls and guy who couldn't stop staring at her.

Not that they were admiring her, Serena knows the kind of eyes they are staring at her with. The kind that everyone gives her.

"Jack, let's go." One of the girl's there stood up with the remaining guy and they left, closely followed by the remaining girls.

Serena could still see Issac and the red haired Betty making out even while she cooked.

Perfect. Just perfect, Serena thought fiddling with her oversized dress.

About 40 minutes of waiting.

Betty walked up to Serena and placed a tray in front of her before walking away.

"Come on luv, eat it." Issac beckoned walking to Serena with a glass of water. He kept it in front of her.

Serena nodded feeling shy and awkward at the same time. She digged into the plate of pasta and in no time finished the whole pasta.

She can't help but wonder how Betty made the food so delicious even with all of Isaac distraction.

"I know that look. Her cooking is perfect, isn't it?" Issac asked taking away her plate.

"You can talk to me. If you keep being mute, I can assure you that I'll be the only friend you'll have around here. And considering the fact that you are a slave you won't be getting out of the castle ever again," Isaac added turning to look at her.

"Yes," Serena managed to mumble.

"Thanks," she added.

"Now, that does the trick luv. Come on, let me show you around the servants quarter first," Isaac stretched forth his hand towards Serena but Serena didn't take it.

Serena followed and listened attentively as Isaac showed her around the servant quarter and around the castle. They spent at least 3 hours walking around.

"Tomorrow, I think I'll take you on a tour inside the castle. That's of course if the King permits it." Isaac spoke while returning to the servants quarter with Serena.

The word 'King' brought up the question that Serena has been aiming to ask.

"Where is the king? I haven't seen him." Serena asked and felt a little stupid when Isaac turned to look at her.

"Trust me. You'll get tired of the king soon enough. You might be dreaming of spending time with him. Every lady in LA dreams about that too but darling he is cruel."

"He hates being around ladies too. No one knows the reason why so you have to be very careful with him." Isaac advised.

"It's not that," Serena was quick to defend herself.

"Then what is it? Don't tell me you are eager to serve him. The last female slave he had hanged herself when she pissed him off. She was scared of the everlasting punishment he was gonna give to her so she took it upon herself to die peacefully."

Issac words registered fear into Serena.

"I...how..." she gasped out.

"Luv, let's just go." Isaac interrupted entering the mini mansion built for servants.

Isaac took Serena back to her room before leaving to report to granny Felicia.

Serena started unpacking her clothes. After the tour around the castle, it doesn't seems like she ever wants to leave there again.

Night came. Isaac knocked on Serena's door again.

Serena who was lazily lying on her bed stood up and went to open the door.

"I'm here again. Its dinner time, it's also time to meet everyone. Including the King." Serena's heart jumped at his last mention.

"Yeah, I understand your fear but I'll like you to put your fear aside. At least tonight he won't ask you for anything, probably you'll start working as his slave from tomorrow. That is when you are allowed to get scared." Isaac narrated but Serena didn't feel any better.

She followed Isaac out to the big dinning and there she met all the servants there. Mostly males, just about 8 females and 25 males.

Serena concluded that its the king's hate for the female gender that makes him employ the male gender to work for him. But you can't deal with everything without having a woman by your side, can you?

Serena sighted granny Felicia at the head of the table.

"Betty, have you and your crew served the king his dinner?" Serena heard granny Felicia question.

"Yes ma'am," she also heard Betty's reply to her.

"Come here child. Come have a sit," granny Felicia beckoned on Serena to come occupy the sit beside her.

Chapter 5 1

Chapter 5 2


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