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THE CEO ALPHA KING novel Chapter 6


Writer's P O V

Serena found herself being pulled towards the king by one of the guards there.

She hates being in front of him, staring at him but she can't help it.

The king slowly decanted part of the coffee into another cup then offered her the drink.

The guard that pulled her towards the king lifted the cup and gave it to her. She took it with shaky hands.

Of course she is innocent of the crimes laid against her but she couldn't get a grip of herself.

With her eyes on the cup, she took it and fixed it at the brim of her lips before gulping the whole content down.

The king slowly rested his back against his sit to probably watch her fall but she didn't. She kept standing but in fear.

She couldn't stop fearing for her life and his powers is still doing wonders in every corner of the castle.

When she didn't fall or die within 10 minutes, the king lifted the coffee, he fixed the cup at the brim of his own lips and was about taking the coffee when Adam interrupted him.

"Your Highness, what if the coffee is truly poisoned and is set to kill slowly?" Adam interjected.

"Then she'll be dying first." The king replied a cocky grin on his lips.

That was the first time Serena had seen him grinning or was she imagining it? Who knows?

The king gulped down a little quantity and a familiar look flashed across his eyes.

The look closely resemblances that of shock and satisfaction but then again maybe Serena was imagining it because the look didn't last on his face. It was just a flash.

Serena through the corner of her eyes watched as the king kept sipping from the coffee cup until he drank it all.

He kept the coffee cup down and a guard made to clear the table but with the wave of his hand he stopped him.

"Let her do it," King Zed lifted his eyes to stare at Serena's.

The stare gave her goosebumps. The guard holding her left her arm.

With shaky legs, she walked to the table and started picking up the cups and plates there. She placed all of them on the tray and carried them to the kitchen.

She surprisedly met a servant there, a female servant.

"I'll take it from here," the lady smiled at her. Odd, from her scent Serena could tell that the girl is a human.

A human inside the king's castle? That was something.

The lady kept staring at Serena as she walked to the sink and started washing the plates. The kind of stare the girl gave her made her feel really uncomfortable.

It wasn't the usual stare she got from people. This stare is way different. Serena couldn't understand the meaning behind those stares and she doesn't like the stare either.

She also doesn't know whether to go back to the king or just stay inside the kitchen until she is sure she can go back to the mini mansion.

"Serena," Serena heard Adam call to her.

She turned and quickly walked out of the kitchen to meet just Adam at the dinning room. It's a great relief that the King is gone but his scent is still strongly intoxicating.

"Sit down," Adam ordered before bringing out a note. He placed it in front of Serena.

"You are to read and understand the rules guarding this castle and you are not to break them."

"The three most important rules are;

Once you see the king, you must show your respect to him. I see that you don't know how to acknowledge your King and I wonder why he lets you go for that."

"Not acknowledging your king is a serious offense. Your mouth could be sealed forever since you don't know how to use it properly."

Those words spoken by Adam only shocked and returned back Serena's fears.

Of course she doesn't acknowledge the king's presence but that is because she is scared of opening her mouth and spitting out rubbish and not because she is disrespectful.

"The second rule is that you must not stare directly at the king whether he is speaking to you or not. He is not your age mate, he is over a century old if you are not aware of that."

Serena's mouth slowly patted open in shock. She already heard about that but she wasn't also sure how true it was considering it was just a rumour. So that also mean the other rumours about the king is true.

Like how he murdered an entire family in cold blood. How he used his powers, oh...wait, he has powers. Unseen powers and whenever he gets really mad his powers are released and can kill a hundred people, hundred werewolves at the same time.

That he doesn't die. He is an immortal. And that he is currently seeking vengeance somewhere.

"And lastly, you must not get on his nerves. You mustn't anger the king as angering him will only get you killed, it will not only get you killed. It will get hundreds of innocent people killed. Do you get that?" Adam lowered his face to hers.

"Ye..yes, I understand." She bobbed her head up and down in understanding.

"Now, you should study the rest of the rules guarding the castle in other to live long."

"Also learn how to control your fears, keep them at bay as they will only get you into deep trouble which will cause to your life or more." Adam stated making sure she understood every word he said.

"Yes. Yes," Serena mouthed.

"Good," Adam smirked standing upright again.

"So, tomorrow, very early. You will start your duty as the king's slave."

"A slave is very different from a servant. The king might order you to move over here to his castle because you are his slave. A slave can be demanded to do anything."

"For a example, satisfying her master's sexual needs. Arranging his bed every morning and night, dressing him up before he leaves for an important event."

"You can meet granny Felicia to explain the rest to you. You can leave now, you'll come back very early tomorrow before 6.00am." Adam concluded leaving Serena in total shock.

'Satisfying the king's sexual needs' kept ringing inside her head.

Chapter 6 1

Chapter 6 2

Chapter 6 3


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