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The Contracted Ever After novel Chapter 442

This week, Cordelia hadn't ventured outside much, opting to stay home to work on her thesis and research projects. Even when she needed to eat, she would only go to the staff cafeteria, avoiding the student dining hall, so she hadn't seen Harold for several days.

Samantha, on the other hand, had been away in another part of Birchwood shooting additional scenes for her project, only returning to Birchwood College on Wednesday.

Since Wednesday was Cordelia's lecture day, she was keen to see how Cordelia and Harold were getting along. She knew that her presence in Cordelia's lecture would irk Cordelia, but that was exactly what she wanted.

On her way from her apartment in Unity Hall to the lecture hall, Cordelia bumped into a familiar face – Tabitha, who was accompanied by a child.

Tabitha seemed surprised to see Cordelia. Her expression was filled with guilt.

Cordelia glanced at the little boy, who seemed to be a little over a year old, just learning to walk. He had been running around, but as soon as Tabitha spotted Cordelia, she scooped him up, blocking the child's face from view.

At that moment, Cordelia couldn't help but speculate. She had been skeptical about Tabitha's pregnancy, suspecting Tabitha and Allison to be Alana's minions, who had concocted a scheme to get Cordelia out of the country. Now, seeing Tabitha with a child of about one-year-old, Cordelia's belief in this theory escalated from 60 percent to 90 percent.

And Tabitha's evasive behavior only deepened her suspicions.

Without saying a word, Cordelia wanted to approach them. Although she didn't want any connection with Ronan, the situation was inevitably upsetting.

Tabitha stepped forward, guilt written on her face. "Mrs. Evans, I didn't mean to upset you. I've been off work lately and came here to visit a classmate who works here."

Cordelia remained silent, shooting Tabitha a single glance before striding away.

She never got a clear look at Tabitha's child.

Cordelia then headed for her lecture hall. Samantha was waiting for her inside. It was a public lecture, and the university had already been informed of the film crew's presence, so Cordelia had no grounds to turn Samantha away. She just needed to ignore Samantha.

She was annoyed. After she finally found some peace at Birchwood College, Alana still wouldn't let up, sending over these irritating individuals.


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