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The Contracted Ever After novel Chapter 502

After dinner, Eason intended to drop Cordelia off at her school, but she insisted that as the resident of Birchwood, it was her duty to escort Eason back to his hotel. Claiming she had overindulged, she wanted to walk off the meal.

They ambled slowly toward the hotel.

For some reason, Cordelia felt an inexplicable warmth towards Eason, as though he were an old friend.

Eason said to her, "Cordelia, don't take Alana's words to heart. Life's too short to live for anyone but yourself. If you're going to let Alana's words get you down, what's the point of it all? I think that maybe you're just disappointed in Ronan, and Alana's just an excuse for you to get out. It's like she's the last straw that broke the camel's back. And about your mom... try not to be too heartbroken."

Cordelia looked down, then nodded. "Yeah, you always seem to see right through me."

"Do I have a sixth sense or something?" Eason chuckled, patting her shoulder.

"You do, you really do," Cordelia affirmed, looking up at him earnestly.

Eason hugged her closely. "I've got to go now. Take care of yourself."

Cordelia murmured an acknowledgment, comfortable with the intimacy shared with Eason.

"Take a cab, I'll watch until you're gone," Eason told her.

After Cordelia left, Eason returned to the hotel. The lobby was bustling, but the front desk informed him that someone was waiting for him.

Glancing over, he saw a figure in a dark wool coat standing out among the crowd, exuding an air of sophisticated elegance. Eason approached.


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