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The Contracted Ever After novel Chapter 550

Victoria and Cordelia were both slumped over the table, fast asleep, leaving only Brooklyn diligently nibbling on her club sandwich. As she polished off the last bites, she dutifully settled the bill. Muttering to herself, she grumbled, “A pair of lushes! How's a pregnant lady like me supposed to get you two home?”

She dialed up Ronan, asking him to come and collect Cordelia, and as for Victoria, well, she could just snooze there until Ronan showed up to handle it.

Meanwhile, in the opulent Grand Millstone Hotel, a wedding was in full swing. The groom was dashing, the bride was grace personified, and just as they exchanged their wedding presents, a sudden ripple of unrest stirred through the crowd.

Up on the stage, Jamie and Marian were oblivious to the commotion, but down below, the guests were all too aware of the growing disturbance.

The murmur reached Jamie's mother, Ava’s ears. The source was a rumor, maliciously spread by Petra, who had recruited a friend to disseminate the juicy bit of gossip as far and wide as possible.

“Did you hear? Back in the day, Thomas had a fling with Alana and even helped her start up a film production company. Too bad Alana turned out to be a heartbreaker, dumped Thomas, and only then did he find his current wife.”

Alana had been making a name for herself in Millstone, recognized as a formidable businesswoman far removed from the typical homemaker.

Ava knew that where there was smoke, there was usually fire. Glancing at her husband, she noticed Thomas' ashen face and trembling hands, which only served to confirm her suspicions.

Thomas had never uttered a word about Alana in front of her, as if their paths had never crossed. Ava had always believed Alana to be a stranger to her life.

As a devout Christian, Ava believed in the sanctity of "till death do us part," and Thomas had always been attentive and faithful. It was this very devotion that now made her feel utterly deceived.


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