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The Contracted Ever After novel Chapter 586

Maggie heard the rumors swirling around town like a relentless prairie wind: Cordelia was expecting again. But when had it happened? During the rocky times with Ronan, or after they'd patched things up? If she was indeed pregnant, did that mean their differences were ironed out?

Petra had fought hard to find some peace and couldn't afford to see it crumble now.

One evening, she pinged Cordelia on Messenger: "Hey Cordelia, word on the street is you've got a bun in the oven."

"News travels fast, doesn’t it?"

"Heard it through the grapevine at the diner – Sean and Sally were chatting about it. Wasn't sure if it was legit, so I thought I'd check with you."

"Yeah, it's for real. Been feeling off lately, just been lounging at home."

"How about I swing by on Saturday to catch up?"

"That'd be great, honestly been bored out of my mind," Cordelia replied.

She knew Petra would come snooping around, looking for tidbits to exaggerate or twist before feeding them to Ronan.

Saturday arrived, and Cordelia had her place spick and span, awaiting Petra's visit.

Ding-dong. The doorbell reverberated through the quiet house.

Cordelia, in her comfy loungewear, shuffled to the door to find Petra laden with bags of goodies.

"Brought some things for you, you know how it is with pregnancy – all kinds of cravings and needs," Petra said with a gentle voice.

"Why the formalities, sis? We're practically family," Cordelia said as she poured a glass of water for Petra and began peeling a banana and an orange.

Petra’s gaze drifted to the chaise lounge where a poised middle-aged woman reclined.

"Is that your mom?" Petra inquired casually.

"Oh, yeah. Just had her come over from England," Cordelia replied, a slight furrow in her brow.


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